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The SC600W Hi has a throw of 250m ANSI
Hi Anthon,
Do you have any recommendations?
400m BLF GT, Astrolux MF04, Emisar D1S maybe.
Do you want to see things clearly at 400m or do you just want a light with around 400m ANSI FL1 throw?
That’s why I come here… Attention to details!
I had a guy buy a light…‘how far does it throw?’
Well, technically, forever… The question is, how much light do you want at a certain distance…?
I guess there’s an ANSI standard for that too… Nice
It is mostly used for spotting wild pigs in the yard.
so i think 400m ANSI FL1 throw is not needed.
so problably ZL Sc600w Hi is fine or do i need the Extra lumens from the Sc700d?
extra lumens dont mean more throw
XHP35 HI is a thrower LED
XHP70.2 flood
The F1 standard is almost useless in real life use. It’s the distance at which you will have 0.25lux on target, that’s not nearly enough light to really see with… It also doesn’t have any mechanism for considering atmospheric conditions so if it’s a foggy or dusty night you might not get even the 0.25lux at half the stated distance. Barely brighter than moonlight.
If a light has a stated F1 throw of 400m I would consider it good out to maybe 200m at max and that’s on a perfectly clear, low humidity night.
If you’re wanting to clearle spot hogs at distances of a couple hundred meters I’d be looking for a minimum of 175kcd.
OP, why did you choose these two lights in particular? Neither one is a thrower, IMO.
If you want to see things far away, there’s more to consider than just “throw” or candlepower or lux on target. There’s also how well your eyes will be adapted to see your target in the distance.
The SC700d is quite a floody light, although it has a high output so theoretically can throw fairly far. However, all that floody light in the foreground will cause your pupils to constrict and thus prevent you from seeing very far. It’s a great light for creating a wall of light in the foreground and at modest distances, but that light also prevents you from seeing much past it.
The SC600w HI is a great outdoor “throwy” light, because it has a more concentrated beam and the close-up spill is more limited. So, although it’s not as bright, its light paints a target far away that you can actually see, because your pupils remain dilated.
IMO, the SC600w MkIV HI is my favourite outdoor light. It throws well for such as small light, but its beam isn’t so tiny that you get a “tunnel vision” effect. Spill is useful, but not so bright as to ruin your night vision. Definitely go for the SC600w HI.
If you need to see farther, you’ll have to go with a dedicated thrower, like an Astrolux C8 or Astrolux FT02 (both budget throwers). If you do go with a dedicated thrower, than the SC700d makes more sense to get, and use it as a general-purpose light. Dedicated throwers are awful to use for general-purpose duty.
If you want just one good outdoor light to bring with you, the SC600w HI is the best choice.
I wish all light reviews / references had the color chart with them it would be great!