10000 lumens 3*MT-G2 LED Flashlight latest photos ACEBEAM X60M

Anyone have beam shots comparing to other lights? Or a video?
There isn’t much on this light or a review.

I offered to do a review along with others did too, but i don’t thing anyone has yet or they inquired to have a review done.

Is it too late to say yes to that review? :slight_smile:
I just wanted to see how it compared to other lights like the mm15, tk75 etc. Just to get an idea and decide to get it or not.

I sent Bella a PM about it last night. i have a good few “big” lights that would be very interesting to to a Beamshot comparo to.

Cool thanks!

they do not want this light to be reviewed :wink:

Why not?
Is it that bad?

just look how ell the K40M did and how often it was reviewed…

and we do not hear a lot of this light.

That’s true. But also the x60 version didnr get much review. And apparently it was a great flashlight.

I can try to do a mini review, but I don’t have any way of measuring lumens or lux… It does not throw nearly as far as the X60, it kills batteries way faster than the X60, and it requires higher drain cells than does the X60. The beam pattern and tint are beautiful though.

Nice. I have a mm15. The second gif only show up now.

About the runtime. After it steps down. How fast does it drain? Can it at least stay an hour at the step down?

Also if it’s not too much trouble. Can you so a Beamshot down the road so I can see its throw capability? :slight_smile:

Yeah, I can try to include longer range shots and a runtime test in the mini-review, but it’s gonna be a few days.


I have till today to decide on getting one or not. What’s your opinion?

Awesome beamshot comparisons dangerous! :slight_smile:

I don’t know what lights you have, but my opinion is that if you like the K40M, you will love the X60M. The X60M keeps the same nice tint as the K40M, but adds a ton more light as can be seen in the beamshots. If you want a pure flooder like the MM15, it might not be for you as it does not have as wide a beam - you might prefer the TN36. If you want a pure searchlight and you don’t care about tint, then I think the X60 is much better as it is much cheaper, throws further, and runs longer.

Ok cool.
So a x60m for $300ausd or equivalent to $240 usd. Worth getting?

Damn, that’s a nice price. I paid $290 usd. I knew it would come down in price, but I didn’t want to wait. I think it’s worth it.

It’s not for everyone, stock price is still around $350 online. I got it offered for me for that price new.
It will be the most expensive light I’ll have if I decide to get it.
The things holding me is:
-Quality of finish
–2015 is coming up with possible new lights from more reputable brands.
-it’s size

mine is modded to around 8000 OTF, it blows everything else out of the water, but yeah… even modded its not anywhere near the claimed 10,000 lumen… maybe in theory at the led its close to 10k

and yes, its very big lol.

Referencing the test that didn’t use high drain cells…