100w LED drivers/dimmers

I am tossing up between either buying the Convoy L6 or making my own 4 x 100w water cooled torch similar to half of this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vgNh3fLxJc, I am after something that is more functional and has a reasonable form factor hence only contemplating 4 x 100w as opposed to his 8, my main issue with his design however, is the all or nothing nature really limits the ability to use it. I am planning on using 18v batteries that I already have for my cordless tools, so I wouldn’t have to buy new ones and were going to use the same driver set-up as here https://youtu.be/kh9j5mDU_hA?t=3m30s so that I could use it at a lower output, the idea of four big knobs for the differant potentiometers isnt really an ideal outcome though. So hence my question, would there be a better way of controlling the output without having to use 4 big knobs to control it.

L6 seems more user friendly, but the mu!tiple 100 watt with h2o cooling would satisfy the tinkerer within some of us.

Yeah pretty much my dilemma, at the moment the L6 is looking much easier and it look’s like a great torch but if I can get satisfactory control for the 100w LED’s I think that might edge back in front, I would love to house it all in a dolphin torch, it would need to be heavily modified to make it work but would almost be the torch equivalent of a sleeper (car). Part of me also knows that if I go the L6 I’ll still want to have a go at the 100w LED’s as well.

These look promising, at only 5mm wide each I could mount them all next to each other and join the sliders so they all operated as one.

Neat project on the watercooled 100W. DIYer in me has wanted to do it but I have no practical use for it. I have messed with Flood lights that use these type of flat LEDs. Made a few shop lights that use either 12V or AC laptop adapters I have laying around. One thing I have wanted to do is a 30W Li-Ion powered rechargeable portable shop light using an adjustable boost and current as the second vid but the efficiency of the boost converter is key. Thats where I kinda strayed off the project.

Well, it has taken me 2 years to make it happen but have pretty much got there, still waiting for some glue to glut to dry for it to be fully operational but all looks to work well.

You are one crazy son of a gun tryagain. Love the torch. I would love to have seen a build thread on this one. :+1: :beer:

Thanks, it took long enough without doing a build thread as well, but plan on doing a vid running through what I did in the next week or so.

that is impressive

Oh so awesome! Love it. On the inside, it looks like a marriage of organic and mechanical/technology. It's cyborgy looking. Congrats on the completion of your long-term project man!