14500 USB rechargeable?

What is the best brand of 14500 usb rechargeable with protection circuit?

Only recently have 14500 batteries started appearing that are “usb c” rechargeable. Do note however that most aren’t actually compliant and will only charge with a usb A-C cable. I personally find it pretty misleading that devices get labeled “usb-c” compatible, but aren’t actually compliant and do not work with usb c-c cables.
Lumintop and acebeam’s new batches of 14500 batteries should be fully compliant and can be charged with a usb c-c cable. However, there is no guarantee you will receive the newest compliant batteries when you order them atm.

Case in point: I just got 4 in the mail today from lumintop, but 3 out of those 4 were only usb a-c rechargeable and did not work with a usb c-c cable.


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https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4001258782658.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2deu The first link I found, I bought it much cheaper. Excellent battery. Charges both from the port and in the charger. Honest 950A / h, with the exact size of 14x50mm. I have been using it for more than 2 years in ThruNite TH20 (which cannot distinguish between elements, and can discharge your lithium to 0.8V).

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This one is micro-usb rechargeable. Micro-usb was never a great connector, and is on its way out.
I would not recommend buying anything with micro-usb in 2023

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Why not? It’s got its flaws but it’s rated for the same 10,000 connect/disconnect cycles that usb C is. Simple more standardized layout. Takes up less space inside the battery. Less likely for a cheap cable to accidentally send 60 watts to your 14500. Only reason to go usb c is if you really need >2.4a, or if youre prone to really abusing the cable and keep trying to jam it in there when it’s upside down imo

More room for error with usb C and a cheap device that can’t handle much current

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I believe that the port is used only in rare cases. For example, I do not use charging ports in either batteries or flashlights. But it is better to let this function lie idle than not to have it in a situation where normal charging is not available. Especially if the battery capacity is not affected by this. And yes; they worked with this element, even the positive contact was gilded.