17mm QX5241 5Amp 1-4 LED 2-4s Li-Ion Buck driver, WIP - I'm back in the saddle.

Some testing going on elsewhere inspired me to skip my crappy little PSU and do some testing with only batteries. I soldered a single SRP7030-3R3FM back onto the test PCB and tried both 2 and 3 cells that I had laying around on my bench. Resting voltage was around 7.9v and >12v.

Results were a little more encouraging this time around. Worst case w/ the 3s seemed to be about 8v peak w/ 11.6v input voltage.

8v peak at 15.7v input voltage (loaded) from 4s.

aaaaaaaaaaaand my modded HF meter is showing 15-20 amps output - clearly incorrect. If I “can’t see the forest for the trees” it’s because of stuff like this!

Thanks for the updates. This stuff can be frustrating, but you'll get it figured out eventually. Glad to see you're still working on it!