I soldered it together in what seemed a sensible manner.
However it just doesn’t work. Even using test wires to the battery all I got was sparks. Nothing from the LED.
Anyways, is there a better way to use a 17mm driver in a 20mm-driver flashlight? Some kind of copper ring or something? I would really appreciate some tips here. All of the 26650 flashlights have this brain dead next mode driver which drives me crazy.
ouchyfoot started a thread awhile ago about securing pills using copper braid (solderwick). If I find it, I’ll post a link, but you can search for it too.
Actually, I stretched out the spring a good bit and that got it working for now. Shaking and stuff doesn’t seem to affect it so I’ll call it good until I have issues.
The driver actually does have some sort of memory, but I can’t quite figure it out. I think you have to wait a few seconds before turning the light back on in order for it to not want to advance.
But Hooray! Its back in action… with memory! Thanks everybody!
Instead, I strip my old drivers and make them into a contact plate, then solder one of these to the battery side of the contact plate. The area that makes contact on this particular size ring is tapered and thin, so it heats up quickly with the soldering iron. Just center it with clamps and draw a solder bead from the ring to the outer copper contact layer, one on each side. Snap in your 17mm driver and youre done. Most of my drivers are a tight snap-in fit in these particular rings and do not require solder to hold or ground them properly.
Using it in a couple of SK98 clones with new drivers and stars. Didn’t like what it came with but like the SK98 esign. Which is odd because when I first saw the SK68/98 I thought they were butt ugly. They grew on me