18350 Battery tubes for BLF A6, Eagle Eye A6 and X6, as well as codes for short Convoy S2+ tubes in Blue and Red!

As soon as I saw this I thought man can’t we just leave well enough alone! Then I read on. Yeah I’m in for 3 or 4. Sounds awesome. :smiley:

I’m in for 2.

Oh yeah. Clip. If the convoy clip fits, it’s actually not bad. You can use Rey’s clip too.

Put me down for one.

I’ll take one for the team. :slight_smile:

In for one please.

I’m in for 1, thanks.

Please add my name to the interest list for 18350 body tubes.

Quantity – 2 tubes & 2 clips


P.S. Love the idea of a plastic spacer for 16340. If that becomes a reality, I'll take 2 of them as well.

Interested in one.

I’m interested, please put me down for 1 :smiley:

If it also fits to the BLF EE X6-SE, and the price is not too high, I might take another one too.

Edit: If they wont make the 16340 to 18350 spacers, you could just saw off an Olight(or some other brand) 2xCR123A to 18650 adapter to make an DIY version.

Put me on the list for two please.
Great idea :slight_smile:

I’d be interested in at least one. Thanks

One for me too, please.

In for 1

sounds good

One or two depending on price.

Interested in two. Thanks.

I’m interested in one.

I’m in for one