18350 Battery tubes for BLF A6, Eagle Eye A6 and X6, as well as codes for short Convoy S2+ tubes in Blue and Red!

It’s a link to the black one which does fit.

AFAIK, only a couple of the A6 regular short tube threads failed to screw in at all. The other failures were due to threads being too short and could be made to work by bridging them with conductive rings.

Whereas 100% of the A6 bare short tubes (reported to date) have failed. None of their threads fit.

So, if I needed a short bare tube, I would order the anodized one and strip it with oven cleaner. :~

A short bear tube … :bigsmile:

I’ll wait for a bare one. Don’t feel like stripping one… Though maybe the anodized threads are a good idea.

Still waiting for the regular extension tube for A6 (not the bare one), order 12 dec. Have receved after 2 weeks (record!) the tiny Keeppower 18350. Pay for the tracking (with standard shipping) but looking at that, is still in China…

Use your email and the email of CS from Banggoods contact page, not the contact form, they only allow 2mb on the form…

The cost is not much, but the frustration is, it does look like the whole batch was made with threads too big. Neal has the manufacturer involved. I too bear part of the blame, I did not request a bare sample tube after the second set of anodized tubes were approved.

I wonder how much kcd someone like MEM could squeeze out of that X6. I’m getting over 50kcd with stock reflector, XP-E2 R3 dedomed, 2 A driver and I really like this mini thrower, but I’d like to see someone like MEM maxing this thing out with triple optics (collar+2 lenses)… I’d be all over that.

Well, I ordered the BLF A6 18350 tube from Banggood’s USA Warehouse yesterday, it shipped today, that’s nice! HOPING this one will fit my A6. Anyone else order one from the USA warehouse?

If it’s already in the US then it may still be one of the oopses.

Tried to do a search but couldn’t find the answer; is there any recommendation for a good holster that would nicely fit the A6 with short tube?

Saypat was having trouble with the anodized short tube. So, ordering from the US warehouse should be okay.

Checked all my 18650 Bare A6 lights with the recently supplied 18350 Bare shorties and they all work. That’s 8 or 9 in 2 batches of shorties and full 18650 Bare lights.

Are these Bare 18650 Lights from the European Warehouse a different batch?

DUS International (Importer) Label has a batch number: TW-151123 281706
sku: 281706
Barcode on 18350 tube packest is the same as shown in a previous post.

This might explain why I have some Bare 18650 A6’s that were ordered earlier via the China warehouse that the shorties does not fit?

Don’t know if this helps?

Splott-Light :slight_smile:

I sure hope u are correct, I don’t want to go thru another nightmare. At least I’ll get it quickly as the warehouse is close by where I live.

I ordered a bare BLF A6 (3D) on Nov.12/15 and a bare 18350 tube on Dec.9/15 for it (both from CN). They fit together perfectly.
I got Lucky, I guess.
Great flashlight! Thanks to all those involved in the design and development.

oh the joy. After going thru a nightmare with Banggood on my A6 18350 tube not fitting my GB A6 light, and getting a refund finally, I ordered another one. This time from their USA Warehouse. Got here very quickly I must say. This time I took pictures of the shipping label. Opened the package with a sense of dread fearing this one would not work either.Tried screwing the tailcap on first - that worked. Then tried the head. NOPE! Failed again. Screws on one revolution at the most. So here I go again, e-mail customer service. They’ll want a video, and a picture of the label. I’ll send them in, then what? Who knows?

what do I have to do to get a working 18350 tube for my A6?

I had to use a small tri file on my tube to make it work, it took about an hour of filing but it fits good and tight now. I also see that BG has taken down the bare tube they no longer sell it.

do you know if there’s anything around? here is how the original tube looks like. Square cut threads.

You should PM RemanG to see if he can start a list to get short tubes for us. That would be very popular.

Wow. Short tube for the skilhunt would be Sweet.

Yes they would.

Can you expand on exactly what you did? I apologize but I haven’t really kept up with this thread… until I finally got my bare shorty tube and it doesn’t fit. :frowning:

I’ll also try and read back through the history a bit and learn more about this issue.