I have a couple of compact throwers (manker T01 and astrolux S3), but I was considering that a 18350 thrower would be even more compact (shorter and with less diameter difference between head and body). But I think I’ve never seen one… any idea?
Actually I have a BLF X6 with 18350 tube which I kinda like (I don’t like it that much in the original 18650 version, I prefer my convoy C8 for that which also has a bigger reflector):
The X6 also has a bigger reflector than the S3 and the T01 (which are more or less the same in diameter). It would be nice to have a light with the head like the T01/S3 and the body with the 18350 tube. Here is a comparison picture… I guess such light wouldn’t be much bigger than the S41 I’ve also included to give an idea (by the way, the first picture is not mine, found with google images):
Astrolux MH10 XPL-HI.
It runs on a BT Nitecore RCR123A, CR123A and a BT Black Efest 18350 it won’t run on a FT Purple Efest 18350.
This light has nice throw.
Comes with a 18650 tube also.
Head looks to be the same size as the S3 and almost as deep.
interesting, but it doesn’t look very compact actually (especially considering it doesn’t have a tailcap switch). Comparing it with the t01 (ok, in this picture it’s the old t01 which is shorter, but the dofference is nearly negligible) looks more or less the same length of my short X6:
also, I remember I was tempted to buy it but I remember from the reviews it had some flaws (can’t remember what) so I skipped it in the end.
You can get the new Aspire 18350 cells. They have about 1200mAh, and 10A draw, iirc.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t bother with an 18350 thrower or any high-powered light. Not enough capacity for run-time, or not enough output. Most 18350 cells don’t have any more energy than a AA cell.
yeah I know the aspire (and the new keepower) are a huge step forward, but I was just curious about this size of flashlight, runtime is not a problem. Of course a 18650 would have much bigger capacity, but that’s not always needed (sometimes I carry small trowers like the T01 or the S3 when trekking or caving, where I use the headlamp 99% of the time and the thrower is just an extra and the smaller and lighter the better). Needless to say, the best would always be having 18650 and 18350 tube to choose each time.
To me it seems that the upcoming Emisar D1 will fit your needs (with 18350 tube). Emisar D1
I also use my 18350 lights much more than the 18650 versions. My Nitecore ec-rc16 was my most used light and I tend to use my 18350 Emisar D4 as my primary “complimentary” light now (I never go on trails at night with less then two flashlights, if one breaks)
Emisar will also release the D1s with approx 120 kcd.
So far I haven´t run out of juice on my 18350 lights. I use Xtar 900mah (measures about 1000mah) 18350. Waiting for 8pcs Aspire 18350 (measures around 1150 mah)
I know that it is not a thrower “per se” but the Convoy S2+ Tan, with XPL-HI Led is quite nice at throwing! Perhaps not as far as a C8 or other lights mentioned above, but it has a pretty nice range indeed!
It has the 18350 tube, so with that and the Aspire 18350 you may get a good setting!
convoy S2 (not ,with the longer reflector) and xpg2 dedomed ,throws good.if i remember correct you cant use the s2 18350 tube on this ,so you will have to use the internal parts(pill reflector) on a S2+ 18350 body.