You can also check out NKON (Netherlands based): 18650 - Li-ion - Oplaadbare batterijen | NKON
They are very reputable. Prices are really good too, but maybe you pay a bit more for shipping. They also have button top versions of for example Sony VTC6 and Sanyo GA!
Hey Jerommel! The Samsung 35E is also used in the batteries you get with the Olight X7; just some trivia!
@hIKARInoob : You’re right ! And Jerommel already said that about NKON.
I thought the shipping cost was very expensive but no… only €3.40 ($3.80) to Belgium.
And they have Sanyo NCR18650GA on stock, for little price.
^ Yes. There is verrrry vaguely a code printed (you really need to look closely). It says NCR18650GA and a code; mine says 5216. “5” refers to 2015, “2” to February, and “16” the sixteenth day (of February). This is the production date.
I think the reason there is no obvious branding on the cell, is because it’s not meant for consumer usse.