I have a small question if anyone can offer advice. I just purchased a Skilhunt HO3, and need battery recommendations. Any help would be great, i will most likely be buying the battery from Mtn Electronics also.
It’s a XM-L2 U4 that’s not driven too hard, anything Mtn sells will work fine. Might find something cheaper on Liion Wholesale but only slightly.
I have a pair of the high drain Sanyo NCR18650GA 3500mAh batteries that I’m planning to use in an S2+ and the H03. Both of the lights are still in transit, but I’ve seen the Sanyos recommended for the Skilhunt elsewhere.
The H03 is listed as having a low voltage warning (light starts blinking,) but I don’t think it has protection so some care with using unprotected cells is advisable if you go that route.
I’d say Sanyo/Panosonic 3500 mah NCR18650GA is probably the best for that light. You could use a Samsung 30Q or Sony VTC6 and be fine but the GA is going to give you the most run time. Mtn also has a protected version.
It will switch itself off when the battery gets to about 2.8 volts.
Anyone have any experience with this battery?
LG MJ1 Flat Top 18650 10A 3500mAh Battery
Sanyo NCR18650GA or Samsung 35E will be the longest running, and both have enough amperage to easily handle the H03.
That is also one of the top 3 high capacity batteries. They NCR18650GA and Samsung 35E are slightly better and basically the same price though so might as well get one of those.
Thank you!
Is 18650batterystore a authentic trusted seller for Samsung 35E? Or where is the best place to buy?
I ended up going with the cheaper Samsung 30Q option. Got them for $4.98 on Liion Wholesale.