I’ve got a bunch of unprotected 18650 batteries pulled from an 18v makita battery pack. I bought a nitecore d2 charger to charge them. Are there any flashlights that have a protection circuit built in? Thanks!
The Convoy C8 comes to mind
And the Aluminium Kronos X6 can give you the exact voltage of the cell used while in use, very nice.
Edit, oops, and welcome to BLF!
Well, there are different types of protection that can be available on select brands/models. Generally speaking, the more money or the higher quality of the flashlight affords better protection schemes built in. Are there any specific protection modalities you are concerned with?
One common and important protection would be reverse polarity protection. Some flashlights have this and will generally say whether they do or do not have it because it can mean instant destruction to the driver, the part of the flashlight that interfaces the battery to the LED, hence the need to include that very important information. Never assume that any flashlight has reverse protection built-in. If you don’t know, ask. there are plenty of folks here that have a substantial amount of combined experience in the matter.
The list of flashlights with LVP (Low Voltage Protection) circuits is much too long to recite.
Instead, how about telling us what kind of flashlight you’re interested in (floody, throwy), form factor (1x18650, 2x18650, etc.), intended use (around the house, EDC, hiking, etc.), and what your budget is.
If you have specific preferences (lumens, candelas, tints, tactical, modes, tailstanding). please provide that information as well.
I didn’t realize there were alot of options. Im looking for a flashlight for around the house and in the garage. Probably more of a flood beam then a pencil beam and under $40-$50. I don’t know much about specialty flashlights yet, but am a potential flashlightaholic. Im interesed in multi 18650 lights, but only if safe.ive read that using more then 1 li ion battery makes it more dangerous, but im not sure if a lvp circuit would negate this. For starters, i prefer the safest option. Thanks!
For maximum safety you should stick to single 18650 lights.
Lets make this easy…
Low voltage protection circuit doesn’t do a thing for reducing the risk of multi-cell (hazardous) events.
Does it have a digital readout ?
That sounds very cool.
no you tab “backwards” and it blinks
Med blinks number for 2,3 or 4
low blink as point
Med blinks for decimals
The 14500 earlier was running out of juice, the X5 told me 2.8V
I kept it on low and measured the cell and he result was 2.8V
Put it in the Liitokala charger that said 2.9V but that is normal, a cell will bounce back without load (hene the reason I kept it on low walking to the DMM).
That’s awesome. I want one now
My favorite general purpose flashlight is the Convoy S2+. It is powered by a single 18650 cell. Its design is very well-thought out - nothing fancy (almost utilitarian), but with a few refinements that make it special. Wonderful beam - large hot spot feathering smoothly to bright spill. More floody than throwy, perfect for everything around the house. Headsprings and tailsprings so that you can use flat-top batteries. Nice steel button tail-switch, one of the best switches in the business - it’s a pleasure to use.
It comes in a number of different colors:
- “[Red]”:http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Convoy-S2-Red-Cree-XML2-U2-1A-EDC-LED-Flashlight-torch-lantern-self-defense-camping-light/330416_32252638688.html
- “[Green]”:http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Convoy-S2-green-Cree-XML2-U2-1A-EDC-LED-Flashlight-torch-lantern-self-defense-camping-light/32564860692.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.10.wOsh0r&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_2,searchweb201644_1_505_506_503_504_10032_10020_502_10014_10001_10002_10017_10005_10006_10003_10021_10004_10022_10018_10019,searchweb201560_3,searchweb1451318400*–1,searchweb1451318411*–1&btsid=c5387e41-070e-4f36-9d3f-871b7827f133
- “[Blue]”:http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Convoy-S2-blue-Cree-XML2-U2-1A-EDC-LED-Flashlight-torch-lantern-self-defense-camping-light/32445361280.html
- It also comes in gray and black, but with only a standard rubber cap tail-switch, so I really can’t recommend that you buy them.
- Future (possible) colors: “[Pink]”:Waiting for the light to turn green - Green Convoy S2+ - #168 by vulpes [Desert Tan] “[Orange]”:Waiting for the light to turn green - Green Convoy S2+ - #208 by nofear87
Choice of LED Bins (emitter rating and tints)
Being a relative newbie to the gamut of LED types, I’d recommend going with the 3B Neutral White tint (option T6 3B). If you’re willing to try something new, then I’d heartily recommend trying the slightly warmer 4C tint (Option T6 4C). It’s, by far, my favorite tint of the 80+ flashlights that I own. Or if you just want the maximum possible output, then choose the 1A Cool White tint (Option U2 1A).
You have a choice of power levels:
- Standard order options:
- 7135*3 *`_ 1.05 amps (output ~460 lumens, runtime ~2:40 hours)
- 71354 _` 1.40 amps (output ~580 lumens, runtime ~2 hours)
- 7135*6 *`_ 2.10 amps (output ~800 lumens, runtime ~1:20 hours)
- 71358 _` 2.80 amps (output ~1000 lumens, runtime ~1 hour)
For the best mix of output/runtime, I’d recommend the 7135*6 option (800 lumens). Personally, I find anything over 300 lumens as overkill for most tasks around the house. And 500 lumens is more than enough for outdoor tasks, such as walking the dogs. I’d use the 800 lumens to light up the living room (ceiling bounce) during power outages. You may want to choose the 1000 lumen option, simply because it is there. All it costs you is shorter runtimes and some additional heat that you may or may not be able to tolerate depending on your comfort level and ambient conditions.
- You may also make a special request for customized power levels (by messaging the owner, Simon):
- 7135*1 *`_ 0.35 amps (output ~160 lumens, runtime ~8 hours)
- 71352 _` 0.70 amps (output ~310 lumens, runtime ~4 hours)
Why would anyone want any underpowered options? Well, I just received my green Convoy S2+ with the 7135*1 option. I ordered it because I found my two other S2+ (7135*8 and 7135*3) too bright for my night-adjusted vision. The low mode for the 7135*1 turned out to be about 8 lumens. I was hoping for 5 lumens, but 8 will do. And its runtime is a ridiculous 160 hours on low. With the amount of usage that it gets every night, I’ll need to recharge it just once a year!
You also have the choice of modes:
- The default is a 2-group UI:
- Group 1: 5% - 40% - 100%
- Group 2: 5% - 40% - 100% - Strobe - SOS
The groups are user selectable.
- Customized modes:
- (Mode option 1) 5% - 30% - 100% - SOS - Strobe
- (Mode option 2) 5% - 30% - 100%
- (Mode option 3) 10% - 100%
- (Mode option 4) 10% - 100% - Strobe
If you order customized modes, you only get one set of modes. They are customized at the factory, they are not user selectable.
If you want a custom mode, order it during the checkout process, when it prompts you to “Review and Confirm Your Order”. Enter the information in the window labeled “Leave a message for this seller”. See example, below.
Member Discount
Don’t forget to request a 15% discount for being a BLF member from Simon. Do this by contacting him through the website’s “Contact Seller” messaging system.
Simon will say okay, but he handles the discount in an unusual manner. After you receive delivery of the item, he will ask that you go through the Dispute process and request a partial refund of 15% of the cost of the item. He will then accept the dispute and refund you the money. (I don’t know why he does it this way, but I guess he has his reasons.)
I usually document Simon’s approval in the “Leave a message for this seller” at checkout. This is not required, but I do it anyway. As part of the dispute process you must submit an attachment documenting the complaint. The dispute form will not process without an attachment. So, I used to just enter a screenshot of the item. Now I enter a screen shot of the order form, which shows the comments entered in the “Leave a message for this seller” window.
Why Order from Aliexpress When There Are Cheaper Vendors?
Because Simon is Convoy. All genuine Convoy products come from him. Order from him to ensure that you get the right product.
Because Simon is a valued member of BLF. We like to support him.
Because Simon listens to our input and concerns. The additional colors are from our input. So are the shorty tubes and pocket clips.
Optional Shorty Tubes and Clips
There are 18350 battery tubes available for the S2+. The shorter, compact form makes for a great EDC. [Red tube] [Blue tube]
Simon recently started selling pocket clips that fit the S2+. Very inexpensive, $0.88 each at the time of this writing. “[Clips]”:http://www.aliexpress.com/item/universal-clip-suitable-for-S2-S2-M1-C8/32579921654.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.212.rYq9Tx&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_2,searchweb201644_1_505_506_503_504_10032_10020_502_10014_10001_10002_10017_10005_10006_10003_10021_10004_10022_10018_10019,searchweb201560_3,searchweb1451318400*–1,searchweb1451318411*–1&btsid=0ab721d9-f302-4992-8bd3-abf01a26db32
Other Details
Mode Memory _ The S2+ remembers the last mode used.
Low Voltage Indicator _ The S2+ will start flashing when the battery voltage drops down to ~3.0V. (Not a cut-off.)
Battery Reverse Protection _ The S2+ won’t suffer any damage if you insert the battery backward. The flashlight simply won’t work until you re-orient the battery.
Tail-Stand _ The S2+ has large lanyard holes cut into the tailcap, allowing the flashlight to easily stand on its tail - even with a lanyard attached.
Dimensions _ 118mm x 24.1mm
Holster _ If you are looking for a holster, I recommend this one: [Jetbeam holster] It’s slightly long, but still secures the S2+ just fine. Made of fine quality ballistic nylon, it looks much nicer in real life than it does in the pictures. (Also fits the BLF SE A6.)
. . .
EXAMPLE: Comments left in the “Leave a message for this seller” window during checkout.
. . .
If you need further convincing:
[CPF Review including Beam Shots]
[BLF Discussion Link]
Sorry for such a long post, but the ordering process was not self-explanatory. :nerd_face:
I prefer the Convoy S2+ for daily use over the BLF A6.
The A6 is a marvel of innovation, but it is plagued by QA/QC issues. It’s impressive, but tiny details nag at me whenever I use it. From the tiniest details of poor anodization, to artifacts and rings in its beam, to batteries rattling in its tube, to its horrible clip - these things tend to bother me when I’m using it.
That’s as opposed to whenever I pull out and use my S2+. It just feels and works right every time. Every detail about it is right and proper, no distractions. And it has a wornderful beam.
So, while I respect the features of the A6, it’s the S2+ that I use every day and twice on Tuesday.
If I were you, I’d buy them both - one to admire (and show off } ) and the other to use.
Personally, I have 3 A6’s and 3 S2+’s.
The S2 certainly has good rep. I see it mentioned here many many times. I may look at one to replace my pos crapfire tube torch.
Great post 1dash1!
What 1dash1 said
The S2+ is an awesome light for the money & will blow you away with it”s performance,quality & useablity for the price.
It is an excellent entry into the world of quality high powered torches.
Recently bought the S2+7135x6 5B, and the S3 7135x8 3B. Have to say very pleased with the quality & Simon’s service is great.
Thanks for the great info 1-1. I appreciate the suggestions re: LED types and lumens. How do I order from Convoy directly? Your links take me to Aliexpress.com. Is this Convoy’s direct sell website?
EDIT - I see in your post that you mention Aliexpress is the direct sell website for Convoy.
Re low voltage protection: On the website it says “low voltage warning”. Does this mean you will get flashing which tells you to turn off the light, as opposed to low voltage protection that would actually turn off the light when the voltage got to low?
I’ll certainly buy this light! Are there other lights that actually turn off when the voltage gets to low? I’d prefer something like this if my wife or friends will be using the light.
I see the C8 on the Aliexpress website also, for under $10, but don’t see any comment about low voltage warning or low voltage protection. Anyone know if the C8 has this?
Mtnelectronics is US based and also sells Convoy S-series lights along with good chargers. Owner Richard(member RMM) is a regular here and very helpful. The silver unanodized version of the A6 is a good choice but ordering from overseas comes with a certain small but unavoidable risk which some don’t seem to handle well. I’ve had good results by and large but the odd problem as well. It comes with the absurdly low prices and free shipping we’ve come to expect. I buy from MtnE whenever Rich has what I want since he is so much faster and more dependable and to support him as a unique resource.
As another newbie who obsessed over finding an 18650 light you won’t find a better value than the blf a6 / astrolux s1(basically banggoods rebranded a6) for $30 minus coupons. Has the flood you’re looking for, optional memory, multiple modes, lights up my garage and attic perfectly and is powerful enough to light up the end of my street. I picked up the astrolux rather than a6 and haven’t had any problems.