Prices do not include shipping, but I still think some of these are a good deal.
Some of the links are screwed up, but that’s how they reached me in an email.
You might have to click on the image to get the right link.
Well, once you figure in shipping (which is not included in their prices), then the prices seem closer to normal.
I have ordered from this store before, and they sometimes have the best prices even after shipping.
Idk when you think about like…who uses 18650s anymore besides us? The market must be shrinking every day. We’re a tiny little group. Id imagine it must be getting harder to sell these things. They just aren’t used.
Like, 3-5 years ago harvesting 18650s from laptops, power tools, modems, w/e batteries was an actual thing. People would use them for all sorts of stuff. Build solar power energy storage, ebike batteries, repair existing equipment, or to power whatever little project somebody was working on. Harvesting 18650s was a big thing.
Now, nobody is doing it. Using 18650s for any of that in 2023 would be insane. It’s so much more dangerous not to mention more expensive than prismatic and LiFePO4. Even for high performance stuff it’s all LiPos now. Vapers were keeping them alive for while but they killed that too, especially in the 18650 format. The few still holding on are using 18350s, 16340s, 21700s.
In the mainstream consumer market now, other than flashlights, what uses 18650s? Pretty much only tool batteries. Tool batteries are the 18650s last stand lol. But those guys don’t buy loose cells. And I don’t think 18650s are going to used in them much longer. Dewalt is using pouch cells now, they’re more compact and the performance advantage is undeniable. Theyre more expensive, but the gap is closing. Less capacity, but you gotta use 2 row of cells in parallel if you want capacity without performance loss. Those are big battery packs. If you don’t care about size, might as well use 21700s. They’re cheaper. Probably going to be mostly pouch and 21700s in tools soon.
There are still some things that use them, especially low-end portable electronics (fans, phone chargers, beard trimmers, etc) but even that is a shrinking market, with pouch cells getting so much cheaper. Hopefully we all won’t get stuck with a bunch of lights in a dying battery format.
Now that you mention radios, I’m pretty sure most of my baofeng handheld radio battery packs are a 2S 18650 pack. They’re sadly not user serviceable though, or I would convert it to MJ1s.
Also, that aside, even if they did still use 18650s, IMHO, anything Emerald Money embraces is something to run far, far away from. Just look at his latest “let’s stop AI development for a while so China can catch up” stance, despite his cars using AI extensively .
It’s true, you still find them here or there. Fans for sure. Usually in some cheap amazon thing. If you’re lucky it’ll be a 1300mah or 2600mah of unknown origin.
Remember when every laptop battery had high capacity Panasonic or Sanyo 18650s tho? You could buy a Samsung power bank, open it up, and itd have Samsung 18650s in it. 18650 was like a synonym for lithium ion battery. No chance you’d see that nowadays, the market for them is just the odd niche thing here or there. Tool batteries has to be the last major consumer use of them. Besides the Teslas out there that still use them of course. But you’re probably not buying or harvesting loose 18650s to repair your tesla with.
Oh and cordless vacuum cleaners still use them. Unless you just put those in the tool category. Some of them anyways. Pro-tip, if you’ve got a handheld Dyson vacuum you don’t use anymore it’s got 20700 or 21700 Molicels in it.
The model S and X had 18650s when they came out and still use them. The new super high performance model S plaid and model X plaids they released a year or two back have 18650s too. They were supposed to use Teslas new 4680s but due to “supply chain issues” (read; Tesla hadnt figured out how to make them yet) they kept the 18650s. The 21700 came out with the model 3, and was part of the reason they could offer the model 3 at the price they did, but even those are being phased out. They’re all supposed to be prismatic and LiFePO4 and those 4680s they still haven’t really figured out from now on.
It really depends on the model and the age - Dyson has used cells all over the board as well as little variations within the housings. They’ve kind of a pain in the butt to disassemble. Most recently I think they have switched from 20700 to 21700 in most models but it’ll be another six months or so until I can see what’s in the latest.
I’ve pulled out Sony VTC4 and Samsung 25R from some Dyson packs, the Dyson-marked 20700 Molicels, and something else I’ve forgotten now from one that was some years old and went straight back to recycling (lavender cells…could have been LG or China-something, which Dyson has also used a fair amount of).
On the 20700s they used some neat cell carriers that are great for storage reuse. Very easy to damage one or two cells in each one depending on how aggressive/sloppy they were with the uber-glue where the temp sensor is but you can count on needing new wraps for at least those.
The bad thing about the Dyson packs is that the cells really take a beating and if the pack was really lagging when it was put into recycling or whatever, the cells you harvest may not be good for much. All six cells, too, not just the first one or two like we used to see in so many laptops. Other power tool cells seem to fare a little better but I haven’t done a ton of them.
the 20700s are pretty lackluster cells really, even when new, but handy for emergencies or lower drain projects.
I know I was just trying to keep it short and sweet lol. Yes, the cells used in a battery pack are constantly changing. You never know what you’re gonna get. Fine, they *often contain molicels lol.
I’ve opened fake Dyson replacement batteries and they’ve had fake molicels. So its at least often enough that they’re worth knocking off in the knockoffs lol.
Vacuums are super high drain devices. Even a handheld one. I’ve tripped a few breakers with a full sized one. I mean they measure shop vacs in horsepower. But then there’s the ppl who use the vacuum twice a year and there’s brand new cells in there.