19 Flashlight Aerial Beam Shot Showdown!

BST JM and the TN36NW impressed me the most. Wish you could have compared the TN36 to an MM15vn as most people think the boost makes the MM15vn appear brighter, saying that though after 2 minutes on turbo it’s sizzling your hand.

So…where can we buy the BSTJM? :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: THANKS HEAPS for taking the time to do this and post up those quality beamshots

damn, those are some really nice beamshots…

I cant imagine the amount of work and prep that went into this … thanks for sharing!

YW! I wish I had an MM15vn to have compared. :smiley: For that matter, I’d rather have a TN36NWvn but between the two MM15vn & TN36vn) the results would probably be the same. :wink:

You’re welcome, bud! A lot of work went into it but I was honestly shocked at how smoothly everything went. I guess I planned it properly for a change. :smiley:

Awesome work you did there! :beer: :beer: :beer:

Do you have a link to your Black Shadow Terminator JM edition build? It literally pwns all the other lights in the gallery!

Thanks, Alex! All I have on it is this thread: BS TerminatorJM - 3700 OTF lumens!

Really not much to it. BLF SRK FET driver, dedomed XM-L2 1A on Noctigons, upgraded wiring, resistance modded tail springs and beefed up tail PCB traces.

Fantastic, perfect tool to measure wich light has the biggest…erm…beamshot.

Thanks for the hard work. It makes it easy to see the difference between a thrower and "all the rest". Seems like only two that could even be classified as approaching real throwers.

I wonder how much time and effort went into that…excellent!

Made my wish-list much bigger, and ’spensive! Great review!

Thanks for the comparison , JM .

Really cool perspective .

I also think you should also try to throw in TK75 beam shots next time if possible. I know there’s a million of them out there, but having them along with all the other beam shots really adds perspective and makes it easy to compare with others.

Cool way to take beamshots! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the huge effort putting into this JM!

Thanks for the kind words, guys. :)

Lionheart, if I had a TK75 I would surely include it. ;)

+1 :smiley:

Also your comments on the individual lights are a great addition to the images. Many thanks!

One of the coolest set of beam shots I’ve seen yet. If the meteor is on your list, please include that light one of these days

Excellent work! thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

I’m surprised with the throw of TN 30 in the beamshots… the official numbers declare only 35kcds ( mode 6) with these values should not be seen that way the trees naked eye at that distance, instead the LD60 in turbo, I could measure 57kcds should easily illuminate those trees at that distance …

In the photos the TN30 looks much more thrower than the LD60 why it can be happening? :~

Thanks !

hats off to you. i wonder how long it took you to finish all 19lights.

what new photography tool?