This was found at a flea market. It is a Justrite Model 2108. It was apparently used in mining operations in the 40s. I didn’t know how old it was but it looked to cool to pass up (even though I got made fun of).
The handle folds down, or it can sit off the ground on the extended handles. The light rotates 90°+ so you can stand it on it’s tail and shine it forward.
It uses a lantern battery now, but it can also use 8 D batteries.
Ugly, horrible beam but it’s still a cool looking little lantern. maybe I can find an led upgrade for it
Great find! I have a few old lights like that and my sweetie nabs them for me whenever she is at the thrift store or a flea market. That one of yours is in exceptional shape for it's age. The chrome is still very good. Nice find!
alot of those old lights dont cost too much. usually can find large lots on ebay cheap. though sometimes some crazy people are asking HUGE ridiculous numbers for them
heres a lantern that ive looked at a few times to mod, but probably never will get around to it lol
like the ash flash, pretty badass name