Need a single/double 18650, 26650 or 21700 light, I may mod it so it needs to have a large reflector for a good base. Dual switches are preferred. Any suggestions are extremely appreciated.
EDIT: Only interested in zoomies with huge lenses now, planning to use a Wavien collar. Currently looking at the Dereelight XSearcher, but I want a bigger lense. The Uniquefire 1508 with the 75mm lense also looks ok, but I cannot express how ugly it looks.
I had a Sniper and really liked it. I sold it when the first Shooter 2X group buy came along. It has a dedomed XM-L2 U4 1A emitter, and puts out about 1500 lumens and 360k lux on maximum. It’s no longer available with this emitter.
The latest Shooter 2X uses an XHP70.2, so it’s brighter and floodier. It also supports 20700 as well as 18650 cells, and does 3800 lumens on maximum. I’m not sure what the lux readings are.
I have a Convoy L2 and I’d recommend it as a thrower. It’s a very tight thrower. 2x26650 or 1x18650. With 2x26650 it’s a bit brighter and has a long burn time. They have a two section body so you can use them with 1x26650. IIRC it also came with springy circular adapters for 18650 which is a nice extra. I’d guess they’d also work with 20700. There’s also a single section body for 2x26650 available separately. As said earlier in the thread, they are nicely made. They are also sold as a host, if you know you want to tinker from the off.
There’s also the Convoy L4. A bit cheaper. It has a side switch as well as a tail switch. It also has a two section body and so can be used as 1x18650 or 2x18650. I don’t have one, but it looks interesting.
Now that I think of it, I don't really want a Convoy L2, L4 or L6 as I'm planning to use this light during walks so I'd like something lighter, maybe around 350 grams
In that case what about a C8? Only 1x18650 but you use it on low or medium when you don’t need the full power or you can carry a spare battery or two on very long walks.
A big reflector and 2x26650 does sort of imply a fair bit of weight and size. I’m not aware of any 2x18650 C8 type lights.
Any reason why a C8, such as a Convoy C8 (60k candella) or Astrolux C8 (100k candella) won’t do? A C8 will weigh in at about 200g with a 18650 battery. Throw is pretty decent.
Coupled with a more floody EDC, it makes a good combo for walks that is light and easy to carry.
I’m not sure I’d want to use just a thrower for walks, but perhaps your needs are different or you meant you also carry a more floody light.
I’ve been very happy with a thorfire D26 as my night hike / camping field light. Added bonus is its a water submersible dive light and over-built accordingly. Everything from the glass, body construction, double O-rings, host body mass, metal-magnetic switch… over-built, in a good way. Others were saying its beam is comparable to a C8… good all around beam with a decent throwing hot spot. It does have a disco strobe, but its out of the way and requires a deliberate-quick double click. Its lowest mode though is 30 Lumens, which is fine by me as a field light. I have a headlamp for lower modes, night vision preservation and things like that.
The sofirn SP33 might also be a good light for you, although I don’t own one. Its considerably smaller and lighter than the D26. Then theres the ever popular F13 and F15, although its kind of hit / miss depending on the driver used by the builder. So you could end up with PWM, a bad UI with disco strobes in the way or next mode memory…etc.
How about Olight M2X-UT Javelot (1x18650) or Olight M2XS-UT Javelot (2x18650)?
I have first one, it’s super lightweight for its size and throw is great, very narrow and intensive.
I know and agree this flashlight does not fall into price range of Convoy L2 or Maxtoch, but for me it’s very reliable flashlight worth its money.
Should have mentioned, but I'm also stargazing with it, therefore the throw, and a C8 won't cut it. I meant to say I'm also using it for walks. My 4 year old 1.5 watt 445nm laser has just failed on me last week so I'm gonna need something pretty throwy at the same size to impress me.
If you are needing to point out stars in the sky a laser (even a very low power one) is better for that. I have camped and CPF-night hiked with star gazers who used lasers for this, where they were far better than flashlights… even the throwiest flashlight is not going to be as effective. One night around a camp fire we were pointing out satellites orbiting overhead. The biggest problem using flashlights to point out things in the sky is the amount of lumens needed interrupts night dialted vision, so they have the opposite effect… more blinding than illuminating, making it harder to see than easier.
I have a convoy L2 with an XP-L HI. Size/weight aside, I can’t see using it as a primary light on night walks. It kind of creates a narrow tunnel of light. Useful in some situations, but not for general situational awareness. I have Sofirn C8A (XP-L2) and a Sofirn SP33. Either would be more appropriate, but I don’t think they’d be great for pointing it feature of the night sky.