found this one too late (sold out now and apparently for good):
I do preffer factory made product instead of a convertion and have spent some time searching for an alternative product on the market but this one looks pretty rare and unique. Would anyone know about alternative solution in the same configuration? (1x18650 / XHP50.2 / 32.5mm head)
Any suggestions / recommendations are highly appreciated.
OK so XHP50.2 is not a MUST actually, is there any other flashlight meeting these criteria?
32.5mm head
2000-2500 lumens (stable, not in TURBO for few secs)
Here is BanL’s statement:
“Thank you for your interesting with KF8 flashlight.
It will not in stock in a short period.
Thank you
It is not clear, but that could mean it will be out of stock for only a short period.
I don’t know of stock lights with those criteria, but a triple or quad XPG2 in a light like the Convoy M2 would fit the criteria. It might be closer to $50. What sort of beam are you after? Do you want to maximize the throw with that head size and output, or do you want a wider beam?
As for beam - I do not expect this to be a thrower with that head so similar to KF8 (i.e. ~2k lumens, large hotspot, bright spill - a semi-flooder). A single emitor would be a nice bonus, at the same time I do realize there are not much options to choose from :innocent: