Looking for recommendations on a 2 bay 21700 charger. Currently have my eye on the miboxer c2-6000 but curious what the hive thinks? I only have three of these batteries so don’t think I need anything larger than a 2bay.
Any recommendations at all?
Protected or unprotected? For unprotected Basen BD02. The slot length is 73mm. Charging current of 2 amps in both slots. I have the charger and I’m happy.
I can fit 21700 in my VC4 and the Dragon , but only unprotected . Haven’t found one for protected yet.
For long, protected 21700 cells you need a Miboxer C4 Plus.
Thanks , good to know. Starting to think none out there yet.
I’ll be charging a couple Samsung 40t’s in it. I only have three of these batteries which is why I figured a two bay charger would suffice.
I didn’t realize the protected didn’t fit my charger till I tried it. Have a few new lights that are rechargeable , but wanted to charge batteries outside . Gonna check into that Miboxer .
HKJ recently posted a link to all his charger reviews where you can see the battery length supported by each charger.
For some reason the link to the reviews does not work when I add it to this post so I linked back to HKJ’s post that has the link to the reviews. Sometimes computers are weird.
The brand new Nitecore UM2 is supposed to have one of the longest opening of any 21700 charger to date. And it had all the bells and whistles at about the same price as the D2.