For Christmas, a vendor at work gave me a new Maglight that runs on 2-D cells.
Obviously not the latest technology, but since it was free, I decided to see if I could utilize it in place of the baseball bat under my car seat. {wink, wink}
Now, we don’t have any D cells in our house. But I do have plenty of 18650 cells.
So I cut a block of wood on the table saw. Just a shade over 1” per side so the diagonal matches the diameter of a D cell.
Took a 3/4” spade bit and drilled a hole in one end deep enough to drop in an 18650 cell.
Drilled a hole in the other end so I could drop in a carriage bolt.
More photos of completed “battery holder”
Assemble it all, and now it runs on a rechargeable 18650!
Good question… these old incan lamps can be “slightly” overdriven. I am not sure about specifics though. There is a chance it will work, although I would expect life span to be much shorter. 4.2V Lithium versus 3V alkaleak