2000 Post Giveaway - ImA4Wheelr (Winner Announced)

Winning number is 23. Congratulations Ledoman! Please read the choices I have in Post 44 and PM the option of your choice to me.

Man, I gotta quit yapping so much. Starting to cost me more than time.

Anyway, I found a DST at Home Depot this morning. It was stuffed behind some stuff in the home lighting area. Probably was not supposed to be found. The package is beat up, but it looks like the light inside is fine. Since I have been trying to decide what to do for my 2000th post giveaway, I took it as a sign and purchased it.

So I'm going to follow in GarryBunk's foot steps and host a DST giveaway. Batteries will not be included to avoid shipping hassles. DST's are a so so light stock. But if you like to mod, it encourages creativity and can be made into something special.

Your post number is your ticket to win. I will use Random.org to select a winner. Rules:

  • Must reside in a country that does not have/had local access to DST's. So only members outside of the USA and Canada (Are there any others that have/had the DST for sale locally? If so, please let me know).
  • Must be a BLF member on or before 10/16/2013 and have at least 100 beneficial posts to BLF by the time winning number is drawn. I will be the judge of whether the posts are beneficial or not.
  • Post what ever you want here (within BLF rules).
  • Only your first post counts. Any additional posts don't count and the next qualified post wins.
  • Entry cut off is noon (12:00PM) EST on 10/21/2013. Any posts to this thread after that time do not qualify.

I'm hoping by doing this I somehow get pardoned for screwing up and posting in Garry's DST giveaway thread. That got me banned from ever getting a chance to win one of his future giveaways and that makes me sad. I want to be happy again.

EDIT: Rule number 2 is not meant to be anything mysterious. Just trying to reward the light to a BLF member that contributes (Even in small ways like asking questions or complimenting others). The "judge" part is just to prevent someone from quickly creating 100 nonsensical posts just for the sake of winning this giveaway.


I’m in, thanks :slight_smile:

Thats nice, count me in please!

I’m also in, nice to have a second chance to win this infamous light! (Of course, if I’m not rejected according to rule #2 :face_with_monocle: )

So much want _

Count me in. Thanks. :bigsmile:

I can mod...

well, at least I try...

Great light, I'm in!

Thanks for the giveaway! Please count me in.

I’m in for a DST!!

Thanks for the opportunity :slight_smile:

congrats to the 2000th giveaway!!

I am the winner of GarryBunks giveaway, received and played with the light. thanks for him again.
This time good luck to all entrants.
Congrats for the giveaway, this is good for all out of US members.
I am NOT in this time.

I am in for the win

Nice giveaway. Please count me in too!

Count with me, thanks!. Will i win someday a flashlight….?

never win any giveaway but i’m in :slight_smile:

Nice giveaway.

Please count me in.

I am not in, but congratulations on your upcoming 2000th.

Please count me in, hope can hold a DST this time :slight_smile:
(me, neighbour of malaysia)

I’m in, thanks and congrats!