2014 - Contest Light - 1st place prize light - DONE!! Video added and beam shots are up in Post#1

Wow, incredible! What happens if you point this at a bird in mid-air?

Graft and corruption is well and truly alive in this wonderful world we live in.

You guys just keep wasting your time figuring out how to make your lights just the right amount of bad. Mine will be the baddest(easier done than said) so I can focus my efforts on well timed bribery.

Another amazing build.

Very Impressive OL. Very impressive!

Wow! To try and quote MRsDNF, "orsm!"

OldLumens (or someone else,) could you please remind us all about the details about the contest?

That is just too Cool. Just amazing is all I can say. :slight_smile:


OL, you succeeded in getting me to get my butt in gear about thinking about what I’m going to think about building. I did find a sheet of copper my father gave me. He told me I could use what I needed but to give back what I didn’t. That was five years ago, and I’m lucky he’s an understanding man, because I don’t think he forgets much. I’m also going to assume he has faith in my stewardship…

I will say this, the current plan is 4xAA, with what I think is a very unusual mounting location for the led, as well as a vexing problem as to where I’m going to place the switch. I think I’ve got the battery connections and layout figured out, but to be honest, I haven’t built a thing yet.

No excuses, just trying to mentally prepare for the obstacles so that they aren’t as painful in real time. :slight_smile:

That’s third place! Must be one of the first times in the history of competition that people are hoping to get third. Darn nice looking light. I’m looking forward to see how this come together.


I’m not really sure what else to say. Just wow.

Triple MT-G2 at 6A? 100+ watts on the most efficient emitter on the market? Active cooling on a massive heat sink? The amount of lumens coming out of that might actually be, as they say, over nine thousand. If Chloe got a hold of it, the result might look something like this:

I agree. :slight_smile: This light is going to be the most wanted light in the contest !

More photos in the OP. Had to start over.

I don’t even know what contest is this all about but that build is serious business! Can’t wait to see the result.

Ah see it but dont believe it. Wow.

Oh my gawd! That is such a thing of beauty you’ve made me talk like a 14 year old.

Bribery will be forthcoming.

I am waiting for the beamshots to drop my jaw…

This guy is awesome!

Your craftsmanship is incredible, beautiful extension of the body

Brass with stainless steel screws! wow! Copper is always very good!

will be a very warm light! incredibille!


Light is finished. Last photos added in OP.

great Light!

awesome work!!