Been a while since I’ve been terribly active in the flashlight circles, seems tech has come a long ways.
We used to have a few gentlemen around here that would drive LEDs till they smoked, graphing their output to current along the way, I have not been able to find much information on these new generation LEDs.
Anyone have any information on what the new XPLs can do, in regards to lumen output, overdriving, lux increase over XML?
Is the XPG-3 the new king of high lux, like the XPG 2 was when it was driven with an XML driver?
XP-L Hi is the new king of throw. Cree basically stuck an XM-L die onto an xpg sized emitter. Xpg3 isn’t he new high lux yet because of difficulty removing the dome. XHP’s are the new big lumen LEDs out now, but they are 6v and 12v emitters.
The dedomed XP-L V6 is the king of XP-L throw, hands down. I just posted a tint thread with dedomed 0D, and 3D XP-L V6s and they are intense. The XP-L HI is not the king of throw, because removing the silicone layer makes it throw further. Not to mention, XP-G2s of newer generation can still out-throw the XP-L. To match a G2 in intensity at only 5.0-5.5A, an XP-L would need about 8.5-9 amps of power!
For G3s, trust me now when I say this; I’ve been dedoming them, and they will most certainly be the new intensity kings. They have a 1.4mm² die size (smaller than XPG2), and output 50% more lumens per square mm of die area, but only when driven to 8.0A current. That’s something the G2 just cannot do, nor can anything else.
If you need dedomed XP-G3s or V6s, you know who to talk to.
MEM- could you post some real numbers of a dedomed overdriven xp-g3 in a well known host such as a courui big head or a uniquefire 1405 or 1504 to support your observations? Theoretically speaking, it must be brighter than anything else, but no one has managed to unveil their full potential in throwers so far. You are the only one who says they are suitable for throwers, and I believe you, but some lux measurements would be really helpful.
I think that’s 1.4mm side length, slightly smaller than the ~1.45mm size of the old XP-G2.
The 1.4mm measurement was done by DB custom I think. This is in disagreement with Djozz’s estimation that the G3 size is 13% larger than the old G2. Though maybe these measurements are the same, within uncertainty of the measurements.
What I’d really like to see is the dedomed xp-g3 in a proper reflector or aspheric application putting out real lux numbers. Can it really become the throw king? I have a large xp-g2 light that is around 530k lux, good but not ground breaking, Vinh sold some tk61 mods that were xm-l2 that were supposed to be in the 800k lux range and of course the deftx aspheric running xp-g2 and using the now unavailable light recycling collar being in the 1M lux range. Really I just want to see some lights in the 800k lux or higher range.
Yes, I measured the XP-G3 die at 1.4mm, removed from the substrate! I also removed the dome from an XP-G2 and measured that one for a direct comparison, 1.47mm. I might possibly could have gotten the XP-G2 die wrong, but the G3 die I actually measured the silicon wafer removed from the substrate, held in the jaws of the digital caliper. That one is solid, I have good midrange calipers and they check out measuring known factory rated items of all kinds, so I trust em pretty implicitly. (use them at the lathe)