[2023-02-14] Email issues RESOLVED for @Yahoo/@Verizon/@AOL/@sbcglobal/@ATT


Ahh, ok, thanks for mentioning, I hadn’t noticed that. I’ll take a look to see if it can be changed.

1 Thank

OK, test post here, might be improved now.

Funny, but there are like a thousand little details that I never paid attention to or really noticed on the old platform, until now when Comparison reared its ugly head. Gives me even more respect for web design and I knew there was a ton involved there already. I can’t get on with the Fontaholics, though… :slight_smile:

1 Thank

Oh, lol. I thought the new format was a nice upgrade! Now I can see who commented, instead of just seeing what site it’s from. And it puts the sender first, where it’s most visible. This format seems to be somewhat standard for sites which have a bunch of people interacting, since the person is usually more important than the site, and the site is noted in multiple other places.

I think I’ve got it now.

Private message notifications should like:

Subject: [BLF] [PM] Private message subject
From: BudgetLightForum.com <address@blf.com>

(The “From:” address obviously isn’t really address@blf.com)

And normal new post notifications should like:

Subject: [BLF] Thread topic title
From: BudgetLightForum.com <address@blf.com>

2 Thanks

No problem, it’s easy to change. I can put the “From:” identification back to username via domain.com if the majority prefer it.

1 Thank

Nobody is more important than BLF. Except maybe you and sb. :slight_smile:

1 Thank

I like it! I’ll go with whatever you decide…and I’m often a minority guy anyway. lol.

1 Thank

Ok, so set it back to this? Going once…

my preference: leave out username as currently configured. thanks.

Email “From:” name / address format?

  • username via budgetlightforum.com
  • BudgetLightForum.com <address@blf.com>

0 voters

much more readable now thanks!

before and after:

2 Thanks

That explains a lot about why you prefer it without the name. Long threads with many participants look messy if the mail client shows each name in a long list. If it’s one line per message, having the name is helpful… but if it’s all messages on one line, it quickly runs out of visual space.

In either case though, the site is still the first word in the subject. Duplicating that info in the sender field makes the summary less cluttered but also less informative.

I’m generally a fan of more info, even if it’s not as pretty. But not everyone shares my preference.

1 Thank

Yeah, this is what confuses me, before I updated the behavior why did it add all those names to that notification email? I thought it was only showing username-from-new-post via budgetlightforum.com …?

that’s 22 emails on the same topic, stacked together by gmail.

Ahh, ok.

Exactly. Github does the same thing. Messages are from "User Name" <notifications@github.com>, where the user name is whoever commented on the bug. This makes it easy to see who did something, but causes a cluttered view in Gmail. I like it, but then, I don’t use Gmail.

1 Thank

Hey, speaking of polls…will they just be a free-zone kind of thing where there can be more than one at a time, just whoever creates one as a thread? Or I guess even as a comment?

Yep, either as the first post in a new thread or even in a comment. If it’s something important about a flashlight development project for example the organizers can ask me to pin it to the top of the recent posts list. I think this will be a major improvement over the old forum; its poll module was seriously janky and often broke, and we invariably had issues where they posted an important poll about a big project and then somebody else came along with a poll on “What’s your favorite food?” and bumped the more important poll off the sidebar.

2 Thanks