[2023-02-14] Email issues RESOLVED for @Yahoo/@Verizon/@AOL/@sbcglobal/@ATT

Good idea, done. Thanks!

Finally Yahoo decided to let the Reset email through ā€“ SB thanks for the help

1 Thank

Thatā€™s excellent news, thanks for confirming. Glad you made it!

Thank you Limsup for sharing how to log it using the direct link method, I was able to get in this way but now when I try to change the password it says it sent an email (Yahoo) but so far, nothing in the mailbox, the previous email with the link to log in directly was in the ā€œTrash mailā€ so make sure you check the spam and the trash mail in your yahoo account, I added a gmail alternative email.

How do you go and change the password? Is there another way than to send you an email? Iā€™m afraid to log of and then have to wait to get another login by link email since it takes so long to get on yahoo

II canā€™t log in with the existing profile because of email problems. I canā€™t send a PM to the admin with the new profile either. Is this because of the non-existent posts with the new account?

How many posts do I have to make before I can send a PM to the admin?

Dear admin, it would be nice if the restriction to send a PM would be removed, especially after the server moveā€¦

Hi Alex, really sorry for the hassle, that was just your email provider reacting poorly to the volume of reset emails we were generating. Iā€™d say to wait for now.

1 Thank

Well, I just got the email to set the password, it took about 9 hours since I requested it to have it delivered directly to the ā€œTrashā€ folder in my yahoo account. If you request a password be patient and check your spam / trash folder for the email

1 Thank

Thanks Alex for your persistence. Can you confirm if the link was still valid and you were able to reset your password?

I will log off and try logging back in

1 Thank

Just did, it works! :grin:

1 Thank

Hi there, could you please send me a screenshot of what happens when you try to send me a PM? All users should be able to PM me and others too.

Hello dear admin,
when I try to send a PM, this message appears: An error occurred: ā€œSorry, you cannot send a personal message to that userā€.

Hi there, can you please confirm that youā€™re using this link?

Was still taking several hours to get the reset password email (Yahoo) - as of last night (Sat 2/11). Then they were expired.
Finally got an email that allowed me to change my password. When logging in, I couldnā€™t use my username anymore, had to use my email. All is well for now. Iā€™ve noticed some minor anomalies in past posts. When I would use the space bar to center the header of a paragraph within a post, the spaces have now been changed to periods. Iā€™ll fix that once I can edit. :grinning:

1 Thank

Welcome @Terry_Oregon really glad you made it!

Thatā€™s because the new username system doesnā€™t allow spaces. For other users in this situation, to avoid problems Iā€™d recommend simply logging with your email address.

Worked, no error message.

1 Thank


1 Thank

2023-02-12, 2:00am GMT

The issues with Yahoo/Verizon/AOL seem to be resolved for now.

Iā€™m still trying to communicate with @sbcglobal.net and @att.net , which are still rejecting emails from BLF. Please complain to them if you are able.

Please contact me at this email address to switch your account to an alternative email address:
