[2023-10-18] Composer panel width fixed

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the issue we’ve had during the past 24 hours or so where the post composer panel was going past the left edge of wide browser windows. There was an update to the forum software that broke some of the custom layout rules I was using. I have things more or less fixed now.

Thanks for your patience. Have fun!

6 Thanks

Fix one problem, create another… :grinning:
This won’t affect very many BLF members, but for the few of us that use a custom width for BLF, this is what BLF looks like for me:

See the very top?
It’s 100% wide instead of my custom width.
Can anyone figure out a workaround (that probably involves the extension Stylus)?
(I tried to figure out a solution, but I have no idea what I’m doing.) :man_facepalming:
Thanks in advance! :+1:

@raccoon Sorry for the hassle. You have existing rules in Stylus right? In that case try modifying or adding rules with smaller pixel values than these:

:root {
    --d-max-width: 1900px;
    --topic-body-width: 1244px;
1 Thank

That didn’t make a difference. :zipper_mouth_face:
I already had --d-max-width: 1200px;
I added --topic-body-width: 900px; and nothing changed.

How about

.d-header {
     max-width: 1000px;

That does something, but the header isn’t centered, and it looks like a hot mess.
I can post a screenshot if that would help. :thinking:

I’ve gotta go to bed.
Thanks for all that you do, sb!
I’ll have to take up this conversation tomorrow. :zzz:

Well, from where I’m standing: it’s fixed. :+1:

2 Thanks

I noticed that you made some changes earlier today.
Any progress on the custom width issue?

Hi there, unfortunately there are no guarantees when using third party browser extensions, it’s not really possible for me to support them. If it’s any consolation to you, some official Discourse themes and theme modifications also had to adapt to the recent upstream Discourse CSS changes.

From what I’ve learned while trying to adapt the BLF CSS tweaks to override the upstream Discourse changes, I think that you can accomplish what you want with this:

:root {
    max-width: 1000px;  //Adjust as desired
    --topic-body-width: unset;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;

1 Thank

Thanks you!
That fixed it for me.
I had to delete //Adjust as desired (which was super-easy to figure out), and now BLF looks amazing again! :heart_eyes:

1 Thank