[At the beggining sorry for my english]
Hi, I’m looking for new 18650 to my bike light which is Convoy S2+. I know that this flashlight doesn’t need high current cell but price is similar between for example Samsung 30Q 3000 mAh and Sanyo GA 3500 mAh. I saw charts comparing these cells but I don’t understand them well enough to make decision which one should I buy. I want buy 3-4 of them to have for replacement instead of paying for shipment again in future. If I would buy flashlight which needs high current cell soon then I wouldn’t have to buy them again and I could use the ones which I would already have. Is there more cons except 500 mAh difference between these cells in current usage? High current cell seems to be more universal for future. I can buy in similar prices most of the 3000-3500 cells mAh in my country from Sanyo, Panasonic, Sony, LG, Samsung. Should I buy standard one or high current cell isn’t very bad choice?
There is a trade off between current and capacity. Everyone can use more capacity. If the LED does not use the higher current , you lose capacity for nothing. The 30Q and the GA are both good choices. Get two of each and compare them. At $5 each, it cant hurt.
I understand that high current is only in cells with max 3000 mAh capacity. There are no more cons? I’m loosing only capacity and I’m getting nothing because of having flashlight which doesn’t need more power, understand. Cells life isn’t longer in high current than in for example Sanyo GA when I’m using it in that weak flashlight? In your opinion new Sony VTC6 which was produced in 2018 and never used is good choice or it’s risk and I should look for something from 2020?
If you use flashlight with linear driver and limited by average 3A, HIGHCURRENT cells is worse choice.
Linear driver makes stable current, but dissipate W (power) between V (oltage) on battery and Vf of diod. So, because highcurrent cells KEEPS high voltage more long yo just dissipate more heat from yors 7135, yo get additional overheat and additional volume lost.
So I think I will go with Samsung 35E, the best price in my country comparing to Sanyo GA and LG MJ1 or Sanyo is much better?