21700 P60

I’m thinking i’ll have enough time to finish this up tomorrow. It’s taken me ages to make this one. I didn’t take many pics either…

This first one was a test piece

I then made the head and tail which i didn’t get any pics of, and then the body tube.

1 Thank

Love the pattern! No idea how you would do that so it’s like magic.
Amazing how P60s are still relevant (i use them too).

1 Thank

Long live the P60!

I say...

Thanks guys. I think i’m done with all the machining on this thing. Seven parts in total that i made from scratch, including a new pill. I just need to wire up the P60 module now.

Haw do you get that coloured pattern on the body?

The body is mokuti :star:

I googled it and came up with many pretty examples but i am curious how you get a pattern on the light.

Think of it as titanium damascus- different grades of titanium forged together to make a billet.

After machining it can be coloured via 2 different methods. I use the flame method

This is an incredible build! How picky is it about the P60 module?

Hmm… good question. I don’t think i tried many modules in it. I’ll check it out this arvo

Okay it looks like i didn’t document this build very well. The P60 module is not standard. I made a new one with a threaded tail (idea taken from MrsDNF). The purpose of this is to aid thermal transfer. I tried a generic chinese P60 module but the bezel couldn’t close properly as the back end of the module wouldn’t seat in the threads.

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I’ll say something else about this light. I’ve offered this light for sale a couple times. A lot of people inquire about it but were put off by the price. Everyone was polite and i’m not trying to make anyone feel uncomfortable but i wanted to show everyone a ballpark figure of what it cost me to build.

The build used a 1" diameter 4" long mokuti round bar. For reference here is a 5" long piece for sale Plus another AU$40-50 for brass round stock, plus flashlight parts such as switch p60 module, new driver etc…

Those little AA and AAA mokuti jewelry lights can be made from thinner round stock and you will likely get 2 lights from a 6" length of mokuti. That effectively makes the cost of material less than half of my P60 build.

This explains why there isn’t much of a market for larger type mokuti lights. They are expensive to make, less mark up for manufacturers/makers and not many people want blingy large lights.

…I sure get a lot of interest though :star_struck: