I have a yellow AWT 26650 battery IMR 4500 MAH 75 AMP battery
It lives in an FT03
Checked it last night, the flashlight returned 4 volts.
Took it outside, used it a few minutes, it went OFF.
Flashlight is fine, battery takes no charge, in fact it is not recognized in any charger or flashlight that charges.
This should not be a protected battery (IMR) and was working, but now has literally no continuity through it.
Any ideas why? It is a real battery, bought from a reliable source and has performed perfectly in the past.
NOTE: I do have a charger that I use to revive really low batts that the fancy charger refuses to charge, and even that charger does not detect it at all.
Something triggered the safety features, there may be some way to disable them (if you don’t mind your flashlight turning into a hand grenade) but it’s a really bad idea.
Also can you try doing “parallel” charging with another good battery — use wire to connect positive to positive, and another wire negative to negative, just to check if you can “jumpstart” the AWT battery (but exercise some caution)
if it is actually rated 75a i doubt the rating and that it would be protected.
if something is intermittently shorting inside the light and you try a cell with no internal fuse(sounds like what opened in your cell) you could have an “oh shit!” moment.
tread carefully!