26800 Lithium-ion battery

We have adjusted the shipping to be lower. If you ordered the other day, we may be able to get you a partial refund on the shipping. Just reply to one of our emails with your order number and we will see if we can get you some money back. Sorry for the trouble.

If you are international, you do not need to bother with this as you did pay for the correct amount, or a bit less than actual shipping.

This is personally why testing every cell for internal resistance and capacity is very important as a seller.

As an advanced consumer, I obviously don’t have this problem since I test every cell that enters the house, but even testing 1/10 cells on your end is a significant endeavour.

1 Thank

Thanks for caring enough to check these. Even if my shipping cost doesn’t change I appreciate the gesture.

I was out in the warehouse shipping last night as one of my guys was out sick. My guys are supposed to tell me when we have an error like this. (It was biased towards international as we can lose a bunch of money there fast…)

For the UK folks, I think you may have a local source for these cells soon. Told a friend he should add them to his site. (T9hobbysport)

Can you ask your German friends to do the same please? :smiley:

Well I ordered some, kept going back and forth but I really like the bigger cells in the single cell lights. Now I have to order some longer tubes. I really want to set up an astrolux ft03 with the sfh55 led and a 26800 battery. It seems like it would be an awesome light.

See, now that’s just awesome of you to offer! I’m not worried about it…seemed normal and reasonable. Unless you put a Krackle in the box where a Reese’s should be……

Thank you guys . I received my 26800 order today . As a canadian, i was expecting importing fees . The amount declared was 39,60 but it went true without charges . Maybe i will receive a bill in the mail .

Glad to hear that. I’ve been anxious about my purchase, Canada Post kept forecasting “delivery by tomorrow” the past week; today states “unexpected delay”. I also ordered a Yonii charger from BG the same day (April 4th) and should arrive first. Imagine with the Zero Covid lockdowns and the logistics of all incoming/outgoing flights, China still is able to supply our needs. Incredible machine!

Aloft is good, but the USPS International shipping rate of 22.10 USD is a killer. They raised their rates and I see this in 18650BatteryStore as well as MTN. This is my 1st foray with this cell format, else I would have splurged for more – offsetting the flat rate on average per cell.

The Yonii charger overcharge the cell :open_mouth:

Well aware of the Reddit post. I’ll be checking mine and by how much as the fellow pulled his at 4.21V.
I’m not too concerned as I strongly doubt a manufacturer would let the charger go into a runaway situation. If it’s one thing I learned from social media, they’re not to be taken as empirical.

So, I modified a Nitecore UMS2 for 26800 batteries. In my defense, I’ve never used a Dremel before and I was nearly done before I figured out my rpms were too low and causing the material to grab the tool. Oh well. Full imgur post is LINKED HERE

Full View of the Unit

Close up at the destruction I have wrought

Truly, it is hideous.

But it works!

Another pic to show how the spring tabs now fit into the base of the carrier.

Excellent idea!

It's only a matter of time before there's a good retail 26800 charger, but until then, that'll work.

i prefer external install to the grinding option . Being lazy, i got the convoy l8 ( 3a charging and cell ) . Ok, more expensive, but a nice set-up .

I believe this unit will hit 3amps on a single battery provided I use the right power adapter. Unfortunately, it can’t deliver 3 amps to two cells at once. It’s a real shame that my Vapcell S4 Plus couldn’t be made to work in the same way as the UMS2.

CollectEverything. Nicely done not hideous at all. Trust me I know hideous!

A follow-up, Got my Yonii C2000 charger today. Made a test with a 18650 cell (Sofirn - expendable if something goes wrong).

I would have liked to test with a QB, but these haven’t come in yet. CPost screwed up; over 21 days ago was supposedly dispatched from Mississauga but “unexpected delay”. Today re-issued from TO. Sent somewhere into the Aether and back I suppose.

From the looks, the charger does terminate. Somewhat high voltage, don’t know how much stress is acceptable.

With the 65mm cell length there was some intermittent play with the terminals. With 80mm the slider spring should do a better job. Speaking of which, 84mm max opening.

I’ve received an Xtar SC1 Plus (their new 26800 charger) for testing. What kind of information would you like me to include in the review? Here’s what I’ve got so far:

  • build quality
  • how long it takes to charge a QB 26800
  • termination voltage
  • whether it continues charging after termination or truly stops
  • termination voltage for discharging (it has a USB-A port for powerbank functionality)
  • minimum and maximum compatible cell length

Since you’re asking;pictures comparative next to another charger, port length, total length, charge current at start and near finish. Pretty much another one of your reviews.

Does it support USB-C to USB-C input (and/or USB-C PD input)? Specifications mention Type-C 5V 3A but that could be USB-A to USB-C with QC3.

Does it support pass-through charging? I.e. Power supply is connected to the charger while a 26800 cell is charging and 5V 2A output is also providing power to a mobile phone. Nice to have but not essential. Many powerbanks don’t have this feature.

I’ll do a basic review in few weeks. :innocent: