2nd. Annual BLF Scratch Made Light Contest -- Contestant Sign up Thread - CLOSED - Go See the Contest thread now

I don't know. I haven't been excited for along time but that's my fault for using the term revenge is sweet. That's fun. You haven't told me what I'm building yet. I just had a look. It starts in 2 days. Any suggestions?

Handheld doesn’t put much of a size limitation on you so we need to think of someway to really challenge you. Hmm, I’d put my thinking cap on but I forgot where it is. Would handheld count if it was in a handle, like an umbrella or walking stick? Maybe if it was removable.

I'm getting by on crutches and a sling at the moment. Maybe I could build a light around a certain circuit board or one of those thingys you sent over? There not very big.

How about a crutch light?

Don’t say it

In for the handmade category. The name of my light will be “Leadbelly”.

I’m still loving the 14500 pocket thrower I got from you MRsDNF, I think an even smaller version with the 10mm board and a 10440 would be pretty pimp.

Its good to hear its still running fine Jalben. To be honest I cant even remember what light you received. You'll have to take a picture for me. I think I would be lynched if I built a tiny light in this comp. Good idea though. One thing that puts me off is the battery capacity of the AAA.


And sign me up for the handmade category I guess. I make no promises for anything even remotely successful, but I have that leftover minimag XP-C module left over from O-L that is screaming for some use.

Nice to have you here HBomb. Good luck on the build.

Well if the capacity of the 10440 is about the same as the capacity of the AMC7135, maybe you should make a light with a battery for each one. 8p shouldn’t be that hard right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Shouldn't be to hard? Can you build one to show me what you want?

I already got my project in mind. Sadly no space in it for 8p, unless I switch down to AG13s.

Bugger. I was looking for your instructive example.

Instructive? That’s like DaVinci saying a third grader could teach them something about finger painting :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to give it a shot too.
Handcrafting a flashlight from scratch (and some flashlightparts :stuck_out_tongue: )
I might even finish in time! :slight_smile:
I’m thinking AAA or….

Sounds like a plan Jerommel. If you have time could you please knock two lights up and send one to me for my entrant into the comp. I have a very large 1 + tonne lump of steel in my trailer in the garage that I cant get out. While its there I cant do a thing.

Ooh… I dunno… How much time do I have left?
June was it?
Better hurry then… :stuck_out_tongue:

Have to get my crappy camera with it too, I suppose…

Thanks. I knew a kind hearted member here would help out an old useless codger.

Yes, well, we’ll see, we’ll see… :santa: