Noob here. I was looking for 3 replacement batteries. Yahoo search said: “Rechargeable Reviews and Tests. User reviews and tests of all types and sizes of rechargeable batteries.” So I came here but it seems this forum is just for flashlights. Is that the case? Because it’s not a flashlihgt I need power for(so I put this in Off Topic). If so ignore this post. But since I registered before I caught onto the flashlight predominance and I know there are knowledgeable people here who are savvy in battery lore maybe they/you can answer my questions.
The batteries I need have this cryptic information printed on them:
And the batteries I need are for hair clippers. So they have a much greater electrical draw than most flashlights.
Reading online I saw an article that said Ni-Cds are obsolete and not used much anymore. I also read about mAh and how that relates to battery use hours. I think the AA on the battery means AA size batteries. That certainly looks like the size of the batteries I have that don’t hold a charge anymore. Ok, so what I need to know and my questiions are these:
I’m sure I need to match the 3.6V output. Right?
I think I can increase the mAh because this will just make the charge last longer. But not get replacements lower than 600mAh. Right?
Is the battery size AA?
Can I use replacements that are not Ni-Cd?
What do the terms P/N and GP60AAK3T1H mean?
What does L6 mean(seems important)?
One final question. I could have just asked it and possiby supersceded all the previous ones but I do want to know the specifics I asked above.
Which battery specs do I have to match when buying replacements?
I spent some time online because I do like to research myself before I came in here and it wasn’t so easy to find out the information I’m looking for. So I decided to forum the job. If you have any suggestions on good brands that you like let me know. Nothing like experience which I haven’t got in this case. Apologies if this topic is misplaced or inapropriate. I’ll leave it up for a few days and if it doesn’t get any hits I’ll take it down. Thanks for reading this.
Ok first off, please separate into paragraphs. It makes it much easier to read :+1:
Also, don’t delete topics like this! They are very helpful for people who search on the web and want to find answers
Now, the battery you spoke about are 1,2Vx3 cells in series resulting in a 3,6V battery pack.
So, what you would need to do is just put 3xNiMH rechargeable AAs in series. At 2000mAh total capacity, you would be getting 3 times the total energy, and it would actually be a bit more powerful and run a lot longer.
Also, could you please take a picture of the battery pack? That would help a lot!
The alternative to this would be a 14500 (AA format) li-ion overhauling, which is a DIY thing (needs supply/charger conversion and cell soldering/spot welding).
The device uses a NiCd charger that may either undercharge or overcharge NiMh batteries. The former is not a problem but the later will reduce their lifetime.
Even if nowadays NiMh batteries are better, as the OP is not an enthusiast I think he or she will be better served by the closer equivalent that Barkuti posted.
Edit: It would be good to know the model of the device or at least the charging instructions in its manual to figure out what kind of NiCd charger the device uses.
BlueSwordM, I seperated my post into paragraphs, each of which had it's own unique topic or theme and I even indented them. All acccording to the rules of grammar. But the editing software on this site ate all that up when I posted leaving the ugly mass block of words that became my post you read. I'm assuming that the seperation I see between sentences in your reply are the 'paragraphs' you mention. I understand. I'm even indenting this reply to you but that won't last. Can you tell I don't do forums much? Also as I stated in my post I wasn't planning on deleting the post unless it didn't belong on this site and received dismal ressponse. The response it generated was very much appreciated. Thanks for letting me know not to delete though. Now then. I ran CCleaner on my system and it deleted the cookies that this forum website placed on my puter leaving me unable to login/access this site for some reason. Or at least I think that's why. I suppose it could have been my VPN as I was using that when I registered. In any caseI I tried for days to get on here and only just tonight could I get on. I tell you this because I haven't responded to any of the help I received and it was because of computer problems and not rudeness. All the help is much appreciated.. Now that "Ahm Bok" (said in Schwarzeneggar voice), I'll follow your advice and post a pic of the batteries and as another helpful forumite suggested a picture of the charger and even the clipper and relevent information. It's Sunday night and I don't have the time right now. Tomorrow I'll do that. And answer those others who replied. Thanks for the help. P.S. Don't you just love the 'Forum Police'? (_8(|) d'oh! P.P.S. Oh drat I previewed this post and the diabolical machine that is this site ruined all my paragraphical effort again. Apologies, I don't know how to use the editor (and I even tried the various 'Text Formats'). Don't taze me bro! temprano
@temprano. When you look UNDER the comment block, you will find a menu that starts with: Simple Post Editor. Change that to Advanced Post Editor, and you will get a lot more possibilities to brighten up your input.
Or do as little old me: use ‘Simple’ and throw in the occasional blank line (2 returns in stead of 1 return).
As for the issue at hand: it may help us>you if we knew a bit more about the device you put the batteries in.
Odd, can’t seem to make the editor accept the image link.
Wouldn’t you know Google leads me to BLF when I try to find a source.
“Batteryguy” is listed by Walmart as the supplier, but it doesn’t turn up in their website. I left an inquiry.
And yeah, I can find three AA cells with solder tabs and do the work myself. I got lazy and figured I’d look around.
What I need is probably about what the OP needed —- 3x 1.2v NiCD (NiMH would probably do fine) shrinkwrapped in pyramid fashion.
For a Conair HC300 hair trimmer. Yes, it’s Covid haircutting time.
Well, I found 3AA batteries in the desired configuration, both NiMH and NiCd — but they come with three wires — red, black, and white.
Anyone have a guess what the white wire is connected to?
I could be wrong, but the white wire is most likely going to a board meant for charging (connects to the 3rd pin of the charging port if it has one). Those are meant to sense when the charger is connected. It would be helpful if we could see a picture of the actual battery being replaced.
The battery being replaced has 2 wires, red and black. It’s the replacement batteries in the same form factor that come with 3-wire setups.
I ’oogled and found that a white wire generally is meant for a thermistor, in more modern battery charging designs, to protect from overheating.
People cut them off or ignore them when using 3-wire batteries to replace 2-wire batteries on old hair trimmers and the like.
Which is what I’ll do, as I hate landfilling working gear just because replacement parts are no longer available.
For Nicad packs with primitive chargers that thermistor is necessary because they may overcharge the batteries. Overcharging nicads is baaaadd. Ask anyone who has done RC cars from the early 90’s why. I’d go nimh higher capacities, longer life, lower self discharge. Genuine Tenergy are nice cells Tenergy AA Nimh
This hair trimmer has a dedicated “wall wart” AC-to-3.6v DC power supply, so I am assuming whatever charging circuit (if any!) is packaged in the trimmer is optimized for its original NiCd battery pack
It gets quite warm when the charger is plugged in, so I assume it’s cooking the batteries by cheap design.
Otherwise I’d have preferred NiMH.
If my time were worth anything, it’d be “cheaper” to landfill this clipper, and buy a new one, of course.
You can use a nicad charger for nimh since thre charge voltages are identical. It’s ok if they get a little warm, since the charger senses voltage, called peak charging or delta peak and shuts off at 3.6v but hot is not good. If the price difference between the nicad and nimh is small then I’d go nimh.
Personally I would replace that 3x AA pack with 2 or 3 li-ion cells in parallel, plus a BMS (this or that) and some TP4056 charging circuit(s). Certain TP4056 boards feature DW01A + 1x 8205A protection circuits, so two boards in parallel would handle up to at least ≈7A of load while providing 2A of charging speed.