3 T6 emitter TF for $14.48 with free shipping?

I’m literally on my way out the door for a couple hours, but thought I should post this in case it’s a deal worth considering. I read it super fast so could have missed the fine print, but it seems to be a 3 T6 emitter Trustfire for $14.48 with free shipping. Then again, I could have missed the footnoted text that says the deal is only good with a full moon every third Shrove Tuesday.

In other words what I’m saying is: If it’s the best deal going, I deserve the credit. If not, it’s not my fault. :wink:

And it is 3800 lumens on the open-ended Chinese lumenosity scale !!!


Well I bought one. It says delivery Dec 31- Jan 17 so dont expect to get this in time for xmas, even though I bought this for someones xmas gift :wink: dont think dad will mind waiting

Worth the risk as Amazon is real good about having our backs.

Another seller has it for .01 more but pay $5.49 shipping, BUT he is in USA, so quick ship for us Yanks.
But it shows that his may be a legitimate price wholesale, the guy in FL just stocks up from china and makes a couple bucks by having quick ship speed.
I think they are starting to blow out a lot of Flashlights with the T6 emitters real cheap. Seems like a lot of T6 based lights have gone down by roughly 25% over the past 4 months or so.
Just my observation.
Thanks for the heads up,

Wow, if it is genuine Trustfire 3T6, that is an fantastic deal. No logos visible in pictures, but they are clearly calling it a Trustfire.

The most recent reviews have me worried about reliability.

It is NOT a real TF 3T6! The driver is different and sub-par and 2 of the emitters on mine burned out, likely because there was a solid layer of fujik between the pads and the pill. If you want a hose for modding…sure, but it is NOT GENUINE.

Looks like a good deal to me. I would take it apart though and make sure the emitters are seated right and upgrade the wires while at it.

Cancelled my order from the OP, thanks for the heads up on that. Rather spend the extra and get it in the states and have it be legit

I doubt you’ll find one in the states that’s genuine. The one I bought was marked as real but was not a real TF. Fasttech has the real thing, you can even get a version with a stainless steel bezel (might be a good idea as the light is long and the body is a little slippery. Generally, look to pay about $35 for the real thing.

Now, I will say of the Amazon clones, the fake I bought still ran fine off 4 AA’s, but it didn’t last long before it got reaaaaal dim. Like, after a couple hours TOTAL of use it was pulling half an amp off the tail.

lol Misleading specifications

-Jamie M.

Well, I ordered one. If it turns out to not be genuine TF, I will file a claim. It's easy to determine if real TR because the driver is labeled.

As far as the reviews, most are probably due to poor connections that plague almost every budget Chinese mass produced light. Anyone buying budget lights should expect to have to go through them to fix the typical assembly line errors.

says $27 something for me. where are u seeing $14?

>>>>>says $27 something for me. where are u seeing $14?

Yup, looks like the sale, she is gone.

I ordered one too. Says it’s already shipped.

I’m not really concerned with it not working correctly on arrival, probably 50% of my budget lights don’t work correctly on arrival. And if I get a puff of smoke when I turn it on and the thing self destructs, well for once it looks like I have an easy return through Amazon.

I really thought this guy was not gonna ship this light due to very likely price mistake. I figured he would just hold th money for 30-40 days and I would have to do the Amazon dance to get a refund but he actually shipped it.
First there was no tracking which is what had me suspicious but a few days later I got an email with a tracking numer and low and behold the number tracks.
Unlike some of the bogus ones Wallbuys was giving out last year.

Anyway, I’ll update when it shows up.

The scammer always give a tracking number that’s part of there plan to get a lot of time….

How about this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/2014-SKYRAY-LED-Super-Bright-Flashlight-Torch-Lamp-T6-5-Mode-/231114703475?pt=US_Flashlights&hash=item35cf828273

Wow, US $7.75! All their shop items are ridiculously low.

After posting that link on this thread and another thread they are now sold out. Looked like a good host .

4 more if anyone is still interested.

Does not ship to my country