I got a C12 flashlight that comes in 365nm uv. I want to use a 310nm light. What kind of driver would I need?
Depends on the specifications of the LED, what’s the voltage and maximum current? Most (all?) sub-365nm LEDs have higher voltage than “regular” LEDs
The one I’m looking at is Vf 5.5 and 20mA
What kind of objects/substances would fluoresce in visible range better when illuminated by 310 nm light then by 365 mm?
310nm is right in the range of UV-B, it can be useful for mineral collectors as some minerals fluoresce only under UV-B (MW), while others are fluorescent only under UV-C (SW) and others under UV-A (LW), or a combination of them.
I have some mineral samples myself, where some parts are fluorescent to 365nm UV-A, and others only under UV-C. I have yet to acquire a UV-B light.
@gravelmonkey points to a supplier of gem identification lights - one of them with 3 ranges under one hood in this thread. They seem a bit expensive though.
I think if I get any more UV flashlights (that aren’t UV-A), I will have them made by Sakowuf. His pricing is reasonable and the emitters he uses are incredibly powerful, unlike most.
Would you have a link?
Sakowuf_Solutions on reddit. You’ll have to send a message
I tried to stalk on Reddit but wasn’t successful, do they make sub-365nm lights? You say they use “incredibly powerful emitters”, which?
I think the UV-B and UV-C lights don’t get as much publicity because of the danger.
Multi-die arrays made by Yingfeng. Not that powerful compared to a blue-pumped LED but consider how inefficient UV LEDs get with wavelengths shorter than 365nm.
I was looking to use this light:
Following this thread. I too would like to see how to make these.
Or if I could get an example that’s comparable it would be appreciated
Use this driver and stack a R080 on the R330 (IDK what size your host takes, these are 17mm):
Use LED part number HYE35P45F310AG-D1 from the below link:
Also you need to source ZWB3 glass. Here’s a good supplier (I think C series lights are usually 42mm):
Feel free to ask questions!
THANK YOU! I very much appreciate your time and response. I’m gonna go check it all out now
you need 40Ma driver, all those linked are above 150ma, it is too much for the led. 365nm led in your light is 3-4v led, greater than 1w, 350+ma led, so any linear driver with 1amc chip will work, however your 310nm led is 5-8v led 2-4mW (as in milliwatts) . never mind that pretty much any driver available for flashlights wil fry it, the led is very weak, what exactly are your plans for it?
To find fluorescent rocks
you might want to look for something stronger than 40 milliwatts then.