3D printed UHP searchlight (successor to my OL entry)

CAD so far

goals of this project:

  • smaller, more portable light
  • significantly improve durability and serviceability (aka no glue and metal threads)
  • maintain as many features as possible
  • eventually sell the light to fund future endeavours
  • make something borderline acceptable to TSA - im travelling in the summer to some remote areas and want to test it


  • likely no speaker included tho i have a couple ideas so it might not be entirely impossible
  • likely reduced throw since the bulb im using is smaller and lower power *
  • 3d printing is slow and my current estimated print time is about 8 hours for a total 0.5kg housing
  • im not fantastic at CAD so the electronics could be tighter packed but im not skilled enough yet

photos so far

previous revision in cad
this version is larger and less efficiently packed.


  • purchase suitable 240vac to 12vdc board
  • print and test fit appropiate sections
  • tune up printer for new filament
  • clean bulb reflector (either alcohol or compressed air)
  • obtain AR glass that filters UV and is high transmitance (possibly get it sponsored)
  • decide wether to attempt some weak weatherproofing**
  • see if my school will lasercut the lid out of some cool frosted acrylic or sm

*these lower power bulbs also have smaller arcs so theres a chance the reduced reflector size wont be too impactful
** i could thicken the very front and use a large sheet of glass sealed into a 3d printed frame with silicone, then the 3d printed frame would screw onto the main body with a oring/gasket inbetween. same for the lid

3 Thanks

looking at the space. i could include either a forward or downfiring LED either in a TIR or mule, could be any 3v LED so that i can buy a cc buck module to power with. and i could add the speaker too.
if theres anyone interested in buying please reach out and let me know if these features are worth pursuing

1 Thank

Idk about the exact details of this project but something that really helps me when designing stuff is doing it in paper first. Usually cad for me is just translating what i designed into something machines can make. Of course after you reach a certain level of complexity, designing in cad can be helpfull but i dont think this is something in that scope. I still do my circuits on paper as well. Alsk good luck, previous build was pretty cool as for the speakers i would say its scope creap but thats just me. I like to keep things minimal(not the same as simple tho).

3 Thanks

i will only add a secondary channel then. 3000k sft40 and tir maybe, or a larger reflector. not decided yet