4/11/19 Important UPDATE! Cree XHP50.2 Three Volt!! Convoy C8+ 3000 Lumen

Hmm interesting, I never had must interest in the XHP50 before because it seemed inefficient.

How does this new 3v XHP50.2 compare to say an equivalent XP-L2?

It’s basically 4x XP-G3s on a single substrate.

So it’s about equivalent to 2x-3x very high binned XP-L2s.

Seems like they aren’t using very highly binned XP-G3s though.

Seems like it’s the XHP70.2 getting all the good dies.

Nice, but I so want one of those switches!

Need to figure a way to make it click on.

Impressive. What’s the main downside (if any?) compared to the XP-L2 or G2 then? Less efficient?


1. Basically a smaller XP-L2.
2. Compared to the XP-G2, it has less throw/lumen.
3. Tint is disgusting, with a rainbow beam.

Does anyone know how many lumens the new Convoy C8+ with SST40 is pushing? It is as bright as my Sofirn C8f but flood vs throw can trick the eye.
This one: https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32989670019.html?spm=a2g0n.store-products.0.0.5c535f5aYeXLNC

Impressive. I think my favourite is the 50.2 dome on.

My EDC is an A6 18350 triple XPL lol. I wasn’t expecting triple the heat of a triple XPL from a single XHP 50.2, though!

I use my flashlights for quick sweeps of less than an acre and looks into small dark spots. With my diagnosed (wife sez so) modumust syndrome, this new affliction, erm, hobby may get me some new foul glances and eye rolls!

I would actually want to see the different between a XHP50.2, XPL HI, XPL2, Flat White, all in a GTmini.

EDIT: Important update. On 4/5/19 the output and CD (range) testing I did were flawed. The battery in my light meter was very low and I did not catch it until now. This caused the readings I took to be significantly off. After changing the battery in the meter, double checking calibration and retesting the lights I am posting the updated lumen outputs below. I do not have updated CD testing at this time, however because of the meter issue it is likely that those readings were high also. I am unable to change the title or original description in my Ebay Auction listist for the lights, but I added this information to the “edit” section. I greatly apologize for the mistake and any inconvenience this has caused.

Light…………….Mistake Lumens………….Revised Lumens……………………%Out of wack
Factory C8+…………………….998…………………………….818………………………………19.80%
C8+ Mosfet……………………1688……………………………1216………………………………32.50%
50.2 Mosfet……………………3441……………………………2991………………………………11.00%
50.2 Mos dedome……………2943……………………………2581………………………………13.10%

Again I am very sorry for any confusion or trouble this has caused!
