EDIT: Important update. On 4/5/19 the output and CD (range) testing I did were flawed. The battery in my light meter was very low and I did not catch it until now. This caused the readings I took to be significantly off. After changing the battery in the meter, double checking calibration and retesting the lights I am posting the updated lumen outputs below. I do not have updated CD testing at this time, however because of the meter issue it is likely that those readings were high also. I am unable to change the title or original description in my Ebay Auction listist for the lights, but I added this information to the “edit” section. I greatly apologize for the mistake and any inconvenience this has caused.
Light…………….Mistake Lumens………….Revised Lumens……………………%Out of wack
Factory C8+…………………….998…………………………….818………………………………19.80%
C8+ Mosfet……………………1688……………………………1216………………………………32.50%
50.2 Mosfet……………………3441……………………………2991………………………………11.00%
50.2 Mos dedome……………2943……………………………2581………………………………13.10%
Again I am very sorry for any confusion or trouble this has caused!
Hi all,
The awesomeness of an XHP50.2 is now available in 3 volt, so I thought I’d build out a few lights. This LED is amazing!
If you want a true drop in no soldering required then get the above. It’s basically the same thing but it has a genuine Omten switch (a non-convoy C8 clone may not) and it’s bypassed already so no spring problems.
Nah, lower Vf of XHP50.2 will overdrive the cell more resulting in significantly more power. From djozz SST-40 has 3V at 2A while XHP50.2 has 3V at 4A (calculated down from 6V).
A tad higher efficacy won’t hurt either. At 1A SST-40 does about 500 lm while XHP50.2 about 550.
You can put high current over those switches for a while(not sure if genuine otman es better than factory c8+ or not), and the bypass does help (keeps the spring from loosing is stretch). Most of the time when your running this light it would not be at 13.5 amps, and when it was, only in short bursts. So if your not depending on that light for life or death it might be worth a shot. I don’t know of a better “easy” switch option this small. Making a switch out of a Judco like DellSuperman does for surefire would be the closest thing I can think of. Available: Judco 10 amp Switch for Surefire Z41 tailcaps | Candle Power Flashlight Forum
I have some springs from BlueSwordM that I could put on it. May handle the current for a little longer. Your right, I wouldn’t be running this on high too often. So it should be ok.