$40 6 XML2?

Anybody bought this $40 6 XML2 UF? Is it really XML2 led?


You can see the emitter substrate in the middle reflector. I see white, not green. Looks legit. If the driver turns out to be any good I might get one, I have yet to buy a SRK.

I have one. its an XM-L2. got it for the same price. Its cheaper to buy these lights to get the emitters and stars (and other parts) for other projects than it is to buy the XM-L2 emitter & stars seperately from most suppliers. there is a 7-XM-L2 version too for around 45 bucks i seen somewhere.

Thanx TGT :slight_smile: thinking to have it as an upgrade to my collection because i already have FL with 3 emitters which is my Fandyfire warrior.

This is a good suggestion for a modding project in the future. Need to search that 45 bucks 7 XML2 :wink:

it was on ebay a couple weeks ago. i can’t seem to find the Ebay ad for the 7x XM-L2 version right now,
but here is a 7-XM-L T6 version for $ 43.99 - http://www.ebay.com/itm/C7Z-10500-Lumens-7x-CREE-XM-L-T6-LED-Flashlight-Torch-Light-for-4x-18650-Battery-/321300246049

I bought one from fast tech… my advise is… save your money as it is not as bright as regular SRK with 3 toroids driver
better yet if you like the compactness of this can light… go for SupFire M6 as it is brighter and easier to mod with simple resistor mod
or could just buy TR-J18 ($45) and you’ll be happy enough even with the stock will gives plenty lumens to satisfy your lumens lust :slight_smile:
couple it with beast driver from lightmalls and you’ll be happy for awhile… just don’t use it on HIGH for more than 10 mins :~

No luck finding it so might just get the 6 XML2 :frowning:

So it not brighter than a regular SRK then it must be not brighter than my Fandyfire Warrior :expressionless: you’re right might just save the money for my next in queue the SolarStorm SP03 :bigsmile:

This thread is about the $42 6 XM-L2 flashlight of fasttech (not the Ultrafire version for $40,6)

The output isn't a big deal, it's pretty easy to get more light out of it. The bigger problem is that the reflector isn't very good. It can be improved from stock a little by fine-tuning the focus, but it still puts out a horrible, ugly beam. No way to fix that unless you can find a compatible replacement 6x reflector... the normal 3x versions are easier to tweak and still get a really nice beam profile out of.

Didn’t someone recently drop a triple toroid driver into a 6xml2 and blow away his other SRKs?

Yes, it shouldn't be surprising that six LEDs will put out more light than the same light with fewer LEDs, especially when modified. But will you want to use it after it's done if it has a hotspot with more rings than a XR-E C8?

Hmmm what the best one on the market right now? I am looking for one of these beasts but they have so much leds, that is getting quite excessive and reminds me of those dollarmart 20leds in 1 flashlights.

If I’m not mistaken, the SupFire M6 is the best stock.

Any group buys current moment?
Why do I always miss the good stuff :frowning:

I just picked up the the 7 xml2.


Will post up once it comes in, I just hope the sites legit.

hmm… it look like it has the same driver as Fasttech 6 XM-L2 LEDs( based on the holes on the driver )… if it sucks for 6 LEDS… imagine 7 LEDS? :expressionless:

theoretically total light emission, at the same current, will be higher with the extra emitter since output is logarithmic, not linear.

Will see, it’s just a toy light really. Probably going to tear it apart an drop some goodies in it.