The D4V2 Mule - “An ass in the Wilderness”
Thank you for your detailed, informative and valuable review. I might just have to get one of these 18650 power flooders.
I don’t know how I feel about it, get enough objects in front of it up to 30-40m away and not much bears the wow factor, it’s like the hotspot is 50m wide where most lights at that range would be a few feet to 10m. 100m to the nearest object and it’s very underwhelming. The anti-LEP
It’s excellent for close range photography. I’m underwhelmed with the output though. Even the 7 emitter E07 with the XP-L HI measures 7k lumens with the 40T.
I was expecting 7000 tbh, I expect it may be as low as 5000 lumens with 30Q
I really wonder why. The Samsung 20S you used have the same current rating as the 40T. Maybe there’s less electrical resistance in the E07. The Skylumen Nguyen with the 12 xpl-hi on the lilvortex mule mcpcb also only produces about 6k lumens with even the 30T. I was expecting over 10k lumens.
Would this thing make for a decent mini lantern?
I was thinking of the KR4 mule… BUT I don’t see it on international outdoors site? Don’t see the D4 version either. Did Hank decide to pull the plug on them?
You have to write Hank. If you scroll down in the descriptions of either KR4 or D4V2 you will find a picture of a mule version and the note to contact the seller.
Y’all think a KR4 mule would work as a pocket lantern of sorts?