5 more FREE Callie's Kustoms 18650 IMR batteries

yeah but from the xm-l charts you don't gain anything over 3.5a..with my 980l pulling 4.6a from a tf flame I can only imaging what this battery would do to my 980l's led..lol..might be an instant poof..

Been wanting to check these out... looks like I missed out...


....and I've used IMR cells in DD XM-Ls and it usually goes something like this:

Insanely bright for about 2 seconds, then a rapid shift to angry blue - not recommended....

I tried this battery on my 980l for a second and wouldn't get a proper reading ..it was 0.763a..I imagine it was too much for my 10a setting to read..no damage apparent to my 980l..lux ceiling bounce numbers are identical to the before test..avoid this cell in the 980l lol..it does however work really well in my kd 5 mode xm-l drop-in..I usually get 3a on my tf flames and with this imr cell I get 3.7a..so good for a bit of boost in brightness..this cell has found it's home lol

Hmmm. seems to be really great batteries, will try to get one once have the funds. at least one I guess.

"yeah but from the xm-l charts you don't gain anything over 3.5a..with my 980l pulling 4.6a from a tf flame I can only imaging what this battery would do to my 980l's led..lol..might be an instant poof.."

For some reason I was thinking it was higher, but yeah probably a bad idea the 980l I seem to remember someone saying a IMR killed their 980l in short order.

yeah I just had to try it with the 980l..was fully prepared to replace the led..the fact it couldn't be read by my dmm in the short time I tried it would mean disaster over a long time period i'm sure..these xml's are tough though..

Well, it has no problems running in my X9. I guess it's not DD? I get the highest current draw with the IMR compared to all my other cells. 1.71A vs 1.50A~. I'll do a manual runtime test at 1-2 min intervals once I get the chance.

Can't wait for my 2100 to get here so I can test this cell some more.

Thanks again xxllmm4!

I'm curious about tailcap measurements. I received the same battery and put it in the UF-2100 like Thoth, but my tailcap measurement reads 1.07 A. Whats up with this? It's certainly bright and I can hear a high pitched buzzzzz when on, but why aren't my tailcap measurements adding up? (Cen-Tech MM on 10A)

Probably because he's using really thick wire as leads instead of the stock metal tipped ones?

Well, I received my Xtar's from Serena (thank you!) and charged them up to test their current in my TrustFire X9. I've been getting only 1.45-1.54V max with all my other cells. The Xtar 2600's drew 1.51A at 4.17v.

So the only cell that has increased the current on my X9 is the CK IMR which put out 1.71A.

I should note that these readings are with a cheap DMM with stock leads. If I use paper clips as leads, I get MUCH higher readings.