5 Thrunite Ti's for $44.95

Thank you sir.

I have the .004 lumen one, and its almost to low. Lol is that even possible. I dont use the low all that often.

My buddle arrived yesterday morning, and I just checked them over - all OK, though one or two needed a clean & bit of lub.

Had a bit of a surprise when I noticed the green one box said firefly 0.04 lm, then I remembered someone else found the same - the sticker “3” had come adrift, and I found it on the back of the box.

So, nice stocking fillers sorted.

My buddle arrived today, with the two complimentary Ti Fireflies, one black, one gold, as per my original order.

A big thank you very much to ThruNite CS team, especially Sarah and Vicky. Be blessed, Ian :slight_smile:

Mine arrived quick smatish and what a great little light.Well,the gold one is.Havent had the time to test the rest for stairing at the TN31 Deal and TN30……
Thanks again Woody for the heads up


I ordered a buddle from Thrunite in China and it was shipped from Illumination supply in the US… sweet. Here is a quick evaluation:

Dont know why but cant access Thrunite 5.99 Ti thread, says access denied, the same for other Thrunite thread?

Anyway, people complained that Thrunite constantly declined offers for their 5Ti bundle and also other items they have listed, I tried my luck with their other shop that sells in UK pounds and got my offer automatically accepted, just go search Ebay for Thrunite Ti, find the other bundle and make offer in UK pounds :wink:
I offered 24UK pounds and it was immediatelly accepted, even tho my similar offer that translated to 7.6$ per item in US dollars offer was declined, go figure, its weird given that my current offer in UK pounds translates to less than 7.7$ per item…
So try to go lower, start with 22UK pounds and then if declined move to 23 and then finally 24, as far as I know theres 3 offers maximum limit set by some sellers, so be wise ;)!

Another great offer.

Take 5 with 40$!

Thrunite user is blocked due to repeated violation (spamming outside of merchant area, and kept at it after several warnings by SB). So do their threads.

LOL, I see, thanks ;)!

Tracking number is provided, but I couldn’t find a way to make it work at http://www.singpost.com/. :quest:

Same here, dont worry, its common thing for even USPS not to show up or work outside USA :wink:

My order of three bundles still have to come. I paid them $105 for 15 Ti's

I got my bag of Ti's. They were all 3lumens according to the sticker on the box. :D

How long does it take to ship to Singapore using Singpost?


I believe it was two weeks. They were sent with regular Singapore post instead of the FedEx for the TN31.

Does it have variable output from 3 to 60?



Plz note I did try TruNite’s site.

What do you mean with “infinite lens”?
It has OP reflector, glass lens, two modes - low 3lm and high 60lm.

Dam “auto-text” Android phone.
I was asking is it infinitely variable from 3-60L

Since posting the Q (while tired) I read it is 2-speed, 3 OR 60L