Where can a find a high amp 6 volt buck driver so I can can use 3 or more 26650 cells? RMM sells a 6 volt buck but it is only 3 amps.
Try Taskled. They don't come cheap though.
I’ve been looking at that overpriced XHP upgraded LusteFire 3XU2-X3 that Banggood sells and wondering what driver that they use. I got my XHP70’s already but I have no host for them yet. The LusteFire 3XU2-X3 looks promising if I could find a driver for it.
I really like the HX-1175b for driving MT-G2's with 3S and 4S cells. The driver is in some SST-90 lights. The driver is known to fry 1S XML's, but that could be that is because it isn't designed to buck to that low a voltage. I'm trying to get around to trying it with 3S XML's driving by 4S cells.
You can get them on ebay here. That same vendor sells them on their own site.
I used Romisen RC-J4-2 (that is xml flashight with 2 18650 batteries) flashlight with XHP-70 and XHP-50 (6V configuration)with stock buck (step-down) driver, so far everithing works well. In fact the driver is typical step down driver based on some unnamed mode controller and LEDA chip (qx5241 or qx9920 - not sure) one of these drivers was adjusted to ~4A another ~3.5A at LED (~0.6 Ohm and ~0.7 Ohm sence resistor). I gues power dissipation on the driver is doubled, anyway I hope it will last long (I’m planning to add some additional heatsinking to the driver).
So I think most of high power step down drivers would work well with 6V LEDs if supply power is above 6V (2 or 3 Li-ion (may be 4 - depends on voltage rating of components)cells).
The driver in the Banggood light looks a lot like a SST90 driver. I ordered a LusteFire 3XU2-X3 today so I hope to find a driver so I can use my XHP70’s.
If you've got room the HX-1175B1 (~32mm) does the business at a pretty good price. It comes set up for ~7A and will do that happily into an MT-G2 as the components are plenty big for 7A. You can piggyback an attiny13a based driver if you want to program your own modes. The output is relatively noisy, but for an MT-G2 that doesn't matter--they can handle a ton of ripple. You can get away with pretty much any buck driver with an MT-G2, but with an XM-L2 pushed hard...not so much.
It’s supposed to have a 32mm driver from what I read here.
LusteFire 3XU2-X3: Now with MT-G2 Goodness! Drivers Wanted!