Never liked their lights, the ones from the military anyway. We (Marines) are going to get, be and stay soaking wet for long periods. A light that has to be unscrewed to turn off isn’t going to stay waterproof and I always feel like the head will work its way off at some point. If I want it to be waterproof I have to remove the batteries and screw the light down tight. Then when I need a light I have to reassemble it while the bad guys patiently wait for me to shoot them…
I know why they did it but their idea of a feature seems like a flaw, there has to be a better way. Just my 2 or 3 cents.
Edit - I clarified this in a later post but somehow it’s been missed. I wrote “head” but meant tail cap. Hope that helps.
Side note, a friend who’s still in the military was trying to give these away last year - no takers. The unit was throwing them away because nobody used them. Waste of $$$
Compared to, say, a Convoy M2, is the SureFire built better? Maybe. Better warranty? Probably.
Would it out-perform an M2? Dubious. Would it outlast 10 M2s? Highly doubt it.
I’ve never owned a SureFire (or a Streamlight, HDS, Malkoff, etc.). I lost a $30 light once, and I’m still emotionally scarred. I’m too klutzy to put a $300 torch in my pocket for EDC. But I wouldn’t judge anybody else for doing it. My previous EDC pistol was $1400 with the laser.
Remembers me of the buying crap for cheap days (in a $ort of way :-D ). Look:
Looks like that Saik SA-9 I first purchased, “upgraded” with a new bezel, “XM-L Q5” emitter and 3000 lumens of output. Totally owns the above flashlight!
Guess what I bought was a more honest product, with a genuine XR-E ez900 pumping out “just” 400 lumens.
What light are you talking about…?
No flashlight needs to be unscrewed to turn off, and the head on the UM2 is attached as solidly as any other flashlight, probably more.
Sad to say Surefire is way overpriced, and way behind the times. This is coming from an American who likes to support his country. I bow my head in shame
The SF tactical lights model #6P (and a few others) were set up so that the tail switch was momentary only. There was no “click” to turn it on/off, once your thumb came off the switch the circuit was open again. If you wanted the light to stay on the tail had to be screwed on tighter to complete the circuit w/o using your thumb. At that point the switch had no effect because the circuit was complete.
I misstated head when I meant tail re: twisty switch operation. I regret if that caused any confusion.
Some guys swear by this set up but I can’t stand it. For that matter I’m not fond of any twisty light though I have a few in my third string of flashlight players.
I’m afraid I can’t find a pic of one of the older SF packages that explains the tactical momentary/twist on tail cap but here’s a link to one of them on ebay where the seller explains it.
I was just commenting in another topic, Surefire is WAY over priced and needs some SERIOUS competition.
I’ll admit, I have Surfire lights, and they take a beating like the Energizer Bunny.
Are they behind in the industry? Yes. Ever since Paul Kim left SF, they have felt it.
SF is butt hurt. PK Designs is in the wake. As is more well known designers.
That’s the point, that people who get Suefire lights don’t want it to break. Ever. They’re often military or in lawn-forcement, and want something Reliable™ at all costs. When your life might very well literally depend on it…
You and I can make due with a 50buk light (or 20buk light, or 10buk light) and probably have a spare or two squirreled away Just In Case.
There’s a market for hi-rel components, definitely. Me, I’d rather just have spares.
You, too, eh? When I misplaced my little 3buk bobofett light for a day or two, I almost had to cry myself to sleep.
Thank B’harni I found it on the kitchen counter later. Still no idea how it got there.
Yeah, that’s why I stopped EDCing my 80buk Quark and started EDCing a modded ’502. (And even that ’502 I’m now emotionally bonded with… no more “throwaway” light!)
Exactly, a lot of pro stuff is overpriced simply because professionals and corporations can afford it.
It’s not meant to be bought by regular consumers, even less ones coming from a “budget” forum xD