6AA Battery Holders, witch separate srping connectors

I have a bunch (about 40 or so) of these 6AA battery holders, wired in Series, with spring electrical connectors with wires, I can sell, if there is any indicated interest?

I’ve had these for a long time, you can tell by the dust on them. I used to use them in D cell flashlight conversions, way back when. I can put them up for sale for $2/each, including the connector. They can be very interesting to work with and for building various mods. Seem to handle a fairly good amount of current, depends on voltage though.

I can add them to my shopping cart, in the same battery holders section as the other battery holders.

(BTW, all battery holder orders placed over the weekend have shipped already. I do have tracking numbers, so they orders can be traced if there ever is a problem.)


Thanks for offering these still... I received the ones you sent from Elektrolumens.com - you have some really powerful flashlights there.

This holder is what I used in my BiClops build https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/6144 as well as several Maglight make-overs.

In the photos you see the DrugMart AA alkalines, I intended to use Eneloops but didn't have 6 at the time. The light worked great on the alkys - till the next day.

The cells leaked all down on the driver board, causing a short, which then caused all three springs in the battery holder to fry! It took me a month to shake my disgust and rebuild the BiClops. This time I conformal coated as much of the circuit as I could. Live and learn.

Take care!


I can send you some replacements. Email me.


Hi Wayne. Would you have any idea on what postage shipped to Australia would be for four off the six AA battery holders? Thanks.