6th Annual BLF / Old Lumens Scratch Made Light Contest - FmC's Hand Made entry. Jack's Survival Sack!

There may have been some hand holding, but the machine does most of the work once you line it all up and feed it in :innocent:

You haven’t seen the finished product yet… :smiley:

Jack did :smiley: Look at his hands :innocent:

Truth be known Jacks probably built and designed this lamp by himself. :person_facepalming:

Bloke at work in the same office wants to know whats going on. My stupid smirk on my dial hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Looks great!
Also looks like Jack has ended up the same way as the majority of us injured lol.

Ok, the build is completed, although I will try & get some better photos, & update the O.P. with a parts list, etc.

Final build update at the end of post#5.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yep, there seemed to be a high amount of casualties this year - better put a disclaimer up next time…… :zipper_mouth_face:

:beer: :beer:

I guess it should be posted on The BLF Injury Photo Thread :smiley: :crown:
Great work FmC :wink:

Great finished kit! I like how everything packs together. It looks well thought out. I can’t remember if you said anything about this, so I’ll ask: Can the lantern operate and re-charge at the same time?

Yes, Jack will post up something in that thread when he's able to type again.... ;)

Thanks :)

Yes, the internal cells can be charged via USB power adaptor, or the powerbank, whilst the Lantern is operating;

Neat concept, and well done. :+1: The kit bag is pretty posh. Poor Jack though….

Cool, another one completed, looks good :+1:

Looks terrific as a complete kit stowed away FmC. It appears you have left enough room in the bag so Jack could hide away in there if he wanted to. Congratulations mate and well done. :beer:


It’s a little less stuffy than the last build, plenty of room to him to hide survive inside. Fortunately, a hard man like Jack doesn’t need a pillow. :smiley:

He may not need a pillow, but if you’re going to allow him near that stove kit again after his last ‘incident’ , maybe stow a fire extinguisher in there somehow. :open_mouth:

OP updated with build details, & a few more pics/video.

Cheers! :beer:

The candle mode looks particularly nice with this lantern. I think all shaded/diffused lanterns from now on should include candle mode. :wink:

Yeah, I also like the candle mode. Cool idea, great build!

Thanks - I had to have Anduril running on this Lantern, for the candle mode :slight_smile:

…which reminds me, I must print out the user interface sheet to keep with it :nerd_face:

I was finding it difficult to capture the candle mode at night, due to the ’phone auto adjusting, but found it much easier just on dusk.

Sweet work, y’all are a good team, you’re a good intern for the military mind at work.

Seems pretty dang brilliant how all that packs together and looks so neat, really great job!

Thanks for the video and another two hours lost on YouTube. :person_facepalming:

The inside pouch looks perfect for the job. The whole setup looks so neat. I hope you get the chance to get out and enjoy it. Well done. :beer: :+1: