7000 Post Giveaway - ImA4Wheelr (w/RMM Sponsoring) - Winner is Boaz

How about my first assembly of a light from parts bought from RMM?

Link here. Itā€™s an S2 Convoy tube with a triple Carclo elliptical optic.

7000 posts ā€¦really ??

My 2 cent mod still hanging in years later


Tell me about it! I can't believe I have made that many posts. Doesn't feel like it.

Thanks for all the great posts and comments guys. Been meaning to visit all of the links posted, but time has been pretty short lately.

Take yer time! Iā€™m still hoping to get a mod thread done in time to join this GAW! If you read all the threads before drawing a number, maybe Iā€™ll have time to get in! :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: I got a mod thread up! Here it is.


Thank you for bringing that up DavidEF. Part of my goal with this giveaway was to encourage folks to get into modding. Lets go for April 20th. Five days after the big tax day in the USA.

Please remember to put your mod link in your first post to this thread as the OP says only the first post counts. I inadvertently created that restriction when I made the OP, but its too late now to changed the rules.

Adding an Update comment to the OP now.

7K posts, time flies :slight_smile:

Even though Iā€™m in Sweden I order a bit from MTN Electronics. Good stuff and great customer service. Iā€™m in!

My latest mod: M2 quad with side switch: What did you mod today? - #2493 by Mike_C

Ooo, I just saw ur edit.

Pls let my post be the entry for SB.

It will be here.

Edit - sorry was speed posting -> congrats on 7000post! I really enjoy ur posts :+1:

Congratulations on your 7000+ posts :beer:

Congrats to 7000 posts!

i still like this one

Congratulations on your 7,000+ posts!
Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m not much of a modder. A Lego-er at the very best.

Edit: if lego-ing is good enough for you, Iā€™ll gladly be IN!

Thank you Henk4U2. No need to be a great modder. One doesn't even have to be sucessful If you even attempt change the light in any way and post about it, you're in the drawing. Legoing is awesome and counts.

Wow, 7000 posts!

I don't think I have read through 700 posts yet.

Congrats to you sir.

My mini mod of astrolux s41s quad to triple.

That is a massive achievement! You obviously talk too much! :stuck_out_tongue:

One of my favourite lights, my TN30 12x Nichia 219Bā€¦

Congrats on 7000+ posts ImA! Hereā€™s a link to one of my more interesting mods. That light is still going. It doesnā€™t get used a whole lot, but it doesnā€™t just sit on a shelf either - it sits in a drawer . . . just kidding! I think itā€™s still running on the original batteries though Iā€™ve noticed itā€™s getting dim so they probably are run down pretty far now.


Olight S* TIR conversion for my entry.

Thrunite TN31 mod

My first real in-depth mod, and probably the one that turned out the best, hehe.
Congratulations on 7k posts!

I joined BLF because what I really liked was to buy cheap lights and mod them.
In this forum I learned a lot and managed to complete my ā€œbiggest lumens small flashlightā€, an ultrafire F13 with four xhp-50.

Nichia and Qlite Convoy S4:

Nothing fancy but this evening I took a few minutes to get this guy off my TODO list.