So I just bought this:
Cute little belt light, decent zoom. Now…. what can I do with it?
So I just bought this:
Cute little belt light, decent zoom. Now…. what can I do with it?
Lots depending on your taste. Do a search on the forum for Sipik sk68, it’s what you’re light is a clone of, and there are probably hundreds if not thousands sitting in BLF members kitchen drawers, toolboxes, and vehicles. Well regarded for their price, and often the first light that got many of us started with reasonable quality, truly budget, flashlights.
Was wondering what it (and it’s countless clones) were originally cloned from, since I haven’t been able to find any model numbers or anything.
Has anyone come up with drop-in pills for them yet, or is it all DIY? I haven’t done any serious modding yet…just legos and dropins.
I can’t imagine it would be worth it, but I’d like a true three mode, with BRIGHT, medium, and low (or firefly).
At the very least, it would be nice to get rid of the ugly purple/yellow beam. And for some reason, a square beam bugs the hell out of me. Flashlight beams are supposed to be round.