8 bay 18650/26650/32650 charger

Can you guys stop laughing my “Nitecorn”name . Please just focus on my charger . This is a series 8 channel battery charger.
No one interest ?

How about “acorny Oaks”?

No, only Credit Cord supported :smiley:


Until YOU get someone we recognize as a qualified individual to test and report on your Nitecorn charger I am afraid that there will be little interest here. You need to understand that we have been LIED TO by so many Chinese sellers of fake items that LOOK IDENTICAL to tested genuine ones that we are very leery of accepting the word of unknown new sellers from China. Examples are bad rewrapped batteries with exaggerated capacity labels and only low current capability and the numerous bad versions of the SkyRay King flashlight which look identical to the original but when opened up turn out to be complete junk inside. Bad sellers have ruined the reputation of all until we have a PROVE IT TO ME attitude towards all new Chinese sellers who show up here.

We have been lied to so often that we DO NOT BELIEVE YOU any more until you prove otherwise.


The nitecorn 8 Channel battery charger which I sell was get from the Nitecore OEM factory . The Enova-all-80 get from Nitecore OEM factory also. What I want to say is Nitecorn 8 Channel battery charger is the same charger like the one Enova-all-80

And Please know HKJ already test this charger on CPF, This is not a big business ,I do not need to lie to you.I were an idiot if I just copy an unknown charger.



Sorry but your saying it does not make it true. As I said earlier we have been lied to too often. Your fellow Chinese sellers have ruined it for you. Until someone such as HKJ at least compares what you are offering, received from you, with what he tested we have no evidence that what you are saying is true.

It sounds like you are saying that these chargers come from and ODM

The “Harbor Freight” DMM is an example. There are hundreds of companies selling basically that same meter. Harbor Freights are red in color. I have a “virtual collection” of images of many of them.

Here is a link to a google result. Many of these meters are the HF meter with different color cases.

Hi. Richwouldnt

How can you say this . I havent lie to you . I never lie to you . If you being lied by someone else . That doesnt mean I will lie to you also. I am serious about this ? How can you judge one new person based on your failing past experiences?

If you want me proof .I would say I just know the market very well . I have spend a lot of time analyzing the market and find the source of new products and what the market wants.

Thanks . I know you being hurt before, But Is not my fault.

I did not say that you lied. I said other Chinese sellers have lied to us so often to us we believe NO ONE until they prove otherwise. You are guilty by association.

The Enova all-80 sent to HKJ for test already . Do you think is necessary to send Nitecorn For test again ?

I think that there are two other factors working here: 1) relatively recently, many people got in on various charger buys, and one person doesn’t really need many chargers. I know I won’t be buying chargers hopefully for many years. 2) the market for corn at night may not be very large :wink:

No, no need to resend (unless HKJ posts otherwise), we will just wait until he gets around to testing it and post the results. I hope it is every bit as good as the Enova. as for the name maybe a personalized name for members would be great :slight_smile:

Minos, please understand something.

If you are going to use OEM design, at least give it a decent and unique name. Brand name IS the image of your company. I work with lots of suppliers in GZ and factories in SZ (totally unrelated to flashlight) and believe me, OEM or not, sometimes the way a product is presented sells more than the quality of it. Sometimes the same OEM product with a better packaging sells twice as much.

How are people going to know you have a good product if they don’t make the first purchase? How can they make the first purchase if your company image can’t be taken seriously? How much would people expect from the product if so little has been invested in branding and presentation? These are business’ 101s, you should know.

Sometimes it’s the details that mark the line between success and failure. I have no doubt when you say your charger is practically the same as the ENOVA tested by HKJ, but don’t expect everyone else to do the same.

Not saying it is, or isnt. But just because the case is the same, does not mean what makes it tick is the same. It might even be the same layout on the PCB, but cheaper components used in the unbranded version. So the Enova and the Nitecore might be the same or different, but this does not mean the version here is the same in its quality, reliability or precision. We wont know, until someone cracks one open either next to the other brands or by comparing images of them next to other versions if they dont own both and compare them, if these are the same in any real terms of a charger. And HKJ tests one to see the results.

Minos, people here generally dont just buy something and use it. They buy them, crack them open to dismantle them and see how it ticks. They will compare them to the other 4 (or whatever) chargers they have over time.

I wouldnt take it personally Minos, but youre asking for blind trust when trust should be earned.


"The #1 Choice for Farmers Worldwide!"

This thread is priceless. Truly priceless.

I really don’t care what you call it, and maybe it was already mentioned amongst the corny jokes, but the part that is puzzling to me is I can buy 2 -I4’s for less money :~


Just a rebranded reject, if it didn’t meet NiteCore’s or Enova quality control, they resell them, then others slap their branding on them

Good manufacturing/sales aspect sure…they don’t throw away inferior/damaged/defective products…they just sell them to other “wholesalers”, and THEY sell inferior products, and the ignorant consumers lap em up because they don’t know better…thus the double edge sword of buying Chinese products…you really don’t know what you are going to get, and I too am guily of seeing a cheap buy and jumping on it…and getting burned…this is what we are talking about…people are wary of jumping on a product because they have been burned.

EF has nailed it.

Imagine one day there is a seller from China asking us to buy his “genuinely good” SRK or Ultrafire C8, do you think we can trust his product just by his words? No. We’ve came across too many poorly made SRK and Ultrafire C8 - I mean TOO MANY. In this case the retail seller himself can possibly be one of the victims too, because most of the time the retail sellers don’t even have a clue about their own products at all, they just bought them in big lot from the manufacturer/wholeseller and selling them to us.

BLF’ers are not average flashlight users - not even just “user” should I say. You may easily convince average users to buy your products but BLF’ers tear things down and do research. Most of us here are open-minded people and believers in science and facts. Prove your charger in a technical way to convince these people, Minos.

Exactly, its easy to get 2 I4’s on Amazon for $16.50 each right now with free shipping. So $33 for 2 I4’s vs $40 for a “nitecorn” lesser known brand isn’t really much of a decision for a sensible person. You’d have to go lower than the price for the known brand really for anyone to buy who can search Amazon. And thats only assuming they’ve gotten through trust issues and the lesser value of a questionable brand which isnt verified and the Nitecorn jokes…

Clash of cultures at its best.

Minos, we are just truly fed up getting lied at by thousands of sellers offering bad and even fake products, using names juuuuust even so similar to respectable brands. Offering unrealistic lumen claims, 5000 mAh 18650 cells and steadily pretending to be our ‘friend’.

That’s why we are quick with the sarcasm when a certain pattern emerges.

As a more thoughtful sidenote: Let’s not forget, every once in a while there really is a legit new supplier at the horizon. Selling good products, building up trust, responding to our questions, improving their products. We want those. We need those because they fill the gaps of the larger warehouses and often have unique products. And in spite of the language barrier they come through - like Hank from Intl-Outdoor, Simon from Shenzen Great Wall or Amanda from Maxtoch - because they are not just seeking fast money from the uneducated customer.

But way too many others just sell UitraFlrc batteries… and Niteporn chargers.