8-pin MCU pinout diagrams?

It seems that someone posted an image(s) with several pinout diagrams, but i can’t remember or find that thread again—does anyone recall seeing it or know which thread it was in? It would be a handy reference for trying to identify some unknown MCU.

+1 for the thread.
Here’s one I need info about (click for better view):

Well-> data sheet

I just hope I will be able to programm it just like the good old Atiny 13A.

And here’s a pinout for Atmel Atiny 13A

SN8F5701 is 8051 based and data sheets are online. At least on the software side, there are plenty of tools and stuff, and the chip’s capacity is quite a bit above the smallest AVR’s and PIC’s. That is of interest because the SN8F5701 is available in a SOT23-6 package while having 4k of flash and 256 bytes of ram. Pretty good for a package that tiny.

Thanks for that FPJ, i never knew. MCS51 is where i cut my teeth on reverse engineering hex code, the bosch dme of the 80s, and the tcch/elcon electric car charger over at diyelectriccar forum.

Can I use same setup that I use for tiny 13A and same code to programm SN8F5701 mcu?
(not an mcu expert here but I really need to transpher the same firmware to this new mcu :expressionless: )

No, the SN8F5701 uses 1-pin programming. tiny13A is 4-pin!

S**t :person_facepalming:

You can’t transfer the firmware directly, it’s a completely different processor with a different instruction set. If the firmware is written in C and you have the source code, you might be able to port it to the 8051 using SDCC (small device C compiler, which can compile for the 8051). You won’t be able to directly recompile and use it because there are sure to be device dependencies in it. Also, if the software you want to port is a big subset of Anduril, it might not fit in the 4k 8051.

Basically what you are hoping to do is not hopeless, but it will take some work and you’ll have to know what you are doing.

I had not heard of the SN8F5701 before, and I do think it is of interest for use in flashlights, especially for small diameter drivers (like AAA sized), because of its tiny package options.

Thanks for your input Forsythe, I moved this issue to a new thread not to pollute kennybobbys thread further.

You are very welcome over there to help me with struggles in finding solution.

P.S. Unfortunately I do not have C file, only already compiled hex that I “burn” into mcu using avrdude, firmware is very small thou and very simple, far from Anduril.

Copied over from Sirius9’s thread, MCS 51 instructions, 8051 family

Thanks to Salvador “Barkuti” for posting these in another thread (even though he didn’t remember),

I want to bump this thread. Anyone tried to reverse engineer Convoy firmware?

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