So, GearBest asked me if I would be willing to do a giveaway in their behalf and I thought "hell, why not, who doesn't like free flashlight" :D
Subject of this giveaway is UltraFire SK68 XPE-Q5 excellent model for beginners that would like to learn more about flashlights and the best way to learn is to take one apart :) This one you can use and abuse and break if you want, all in the name of education and science and the best part is if you do break it you don't even have to feel bad for breaking it :D of course that is also a chance to fix it and learn what makes them tick :)
So all you beginners and lurkers come out come out where ever you are :D
Rules are simple, please read them:
1. everyone can participate but if you have over 300 posts you have only 1 entry, if you are between 150 and 300 posts you can make 2 entries and finally, our youngest members with under 150 posts will have the opportunity to make 3 entries increasing their chance to win. (keep in mind that total number of your post will increase everytime you post something in any thread).
2. This giveaway will be open for 7 days after which
3. 8 winners will be picked using
4. In your first entry answer this question: How did you find out about BLF? (If you are eligible your second or third entry can contain any flashlight related thing that you want to share),
5. NO discussion please.
If needed I will update the rules!
Flashlight will be shipped from our sponsor ( directly to winners anywhere in the world,as a "Thank you" to them, please consider visiting their web shop, they offer plenty of interesting flashlights, batteries and chargers (among other stuff)
I think that would be all, have fun and stop lurking ,say something :D
And we have our winners, it was a tough draw, sweated all the way :party:
Yes, you are right, there are 10 winners it was supposed to be surprise if we reach 200 posts but who cares I know you all like to disassemble things to see whats inside so, lets make more people happy with their new hobby
All winners will shortly receive PM from me with instructions on how to claim their prizes and everyone else, thanks for participating also big thanks to GearBest for providing flashlights for this giveaway.
Ooh nice!! So I just explain how I got here? Well here goes! I was looking for cheap flashlights and was searching for reviews just to confirm quality and stumbled upon BLF and CPF. The only reason I joined BLF was because the font was larger and the interface us much nicer. As I was browsing I saw OL’s builds and was thinkinget he’ll this old man has skills!! So I took the jump and became a member
Another thing that attracted me was the mods!! I mean cm on! ! Cheap flashlights with ‘expensive’ output? Who doesn’t want that? So I finally registered myself as a member.
Now, I only just started here and now I have 7 lights. A SWM C22C from the GB, EA11 from another GB here, a Solar force M3 I got from Xed888 during his holiday which I got to meet him and had a little chat , a Convoy L4, a Fenix PD12 , a cheap Chinese zoomie, an Ace beam Kim from Banggood’s flash deals, NC MT21A, and finally a Jetbeam WL-S4 on the way!!
I was searching for my first modern LED flashlight, and was going to buy a 3AA light and thats how i found BLF. With good advice from fellow members i did not buy it but did purchase a better light that did ok with 3AA but better with lithium i bought a few weeks later to power it!
Always interested in flashlights but got really obsessed when walmart started stocking higher power lights. So read up on them and found this place. Seems folks here don’t like the stuff walmart has that much.
I found BLF searching for info on a good flashlight and what types of leds are out there. Still learning and reading the forum but not posting much, normally reading just clears it.
I found BLF after my wife bought me a an Olight warrior for my birthday. I was thinking hey, I can mod this. But it’s too nice of a light so I left it stock and turned some cheap lights into really bright cheap lights.