8x 18650 SRK is built

Does anyone who owns a SRK think it’s possible to cut and thread the bottom of one an screw a second one in. Making a 8x 18650 host. Just so people don’t think I’m crazy, configuration will be 4s2p not 8s.

Also, the cheapest I could a 4 18650 light is $34 shipped. Is there a cheaper source. Empty host would be ideal but I don’t think it’s possible.

pics added below

Curious as to why, its already hard to hold on to on high after 15mins due to heat, double battery number and size will just make it that much harder to hold, and “fins” of the two bodies would be difficult to have line up.

This will be a battery holder only portion only. The heads will not be used

sorry to sound pedantic, but would it not be 4P2S? so 8.4v output?

in some respects I think that’d be good from a driver point of view but you now have me wondering what your up too since the heads wont be used at all.

could you not machine a single billet to give the same result? I guess it depends on the cost of a length of thick wall tube and your ability tools wise to line bore it to suit.

Not too sure what pedantic means. I’m also not sure how a srk has the batteries. Is it 4P? I would have to get creative with the wiring but 4s2p is what I’m after. As for machining an entire new body the thought crossed my mind. I have a lathe an any lathe work can be done at home, but the milling/deep drilling I would have to take to my work an do, and I hate doing personal jobs there. Even then for $66 I could join 2 bodies together and have something that would have a nice finish and look prettier and be alot quicker to do.

If you’re looking to join two bodies together only, all you need to do is to machine a short piece of tube with proper tap on the inside to screw both bodies together. You do have a lathe, don’t you?

a king is parallel so two together would be two banks of four in parallel, unless you alter the arrangement of the cells and contact boards to suit.

I agree with toaster that a threaded collar would work to join them, you’d just have to deal with the slack in the cells from the collar.

Cut off the threaded part and TIG it.

Is the driver capable of handling 8.4v?

I say buy a Fenix TK75 and save yourself the heartburn :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a black SRK DOA you can have for shipping costs if interested?

Your right, no argument but some people cant stay away from heartburn. :slight_smile:
Theres nothing like spending days turning something worth 2 bob into something worth a dollar having spent $200.00 on it on parts alone. Well I usually do and I dont think I’m alone. There must be a thrill somewhere.

Believe me, I understand.

While that is a nice light, I enjoy building lights not buying them, and 2900 lumens is a spit in the bucket compared to what I hope to do.

My inspiration is this and this

There pretty amazing lights. I can see the inspiration.

Took a while too rough seeing I didn’t have any pipe or round stock for that matter. Threads are 24 TPI, a thread depth of only .022” it cuts pretty quick. With a 2D for size reference. The outside diameter is 2.100” same was the tail cap.


Very cool!

Simply amazing. Well done on completing the project. You should have the longest running King around. Are you going to add any more pictures?

is it 2S 4P ?

SRK stock driver use buck drivers so 2S will not problem. but MCU need regulator